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Posts posted by SwiftArrow

  1. Bug Report: Krusader is unable to access a large number of files from my backup disk, however these files are accessible when using a full-fledged OS.  ALSO unable to open large zipped tarball.

    Details: I have an old HDD which was slowly failing, so long before I discovered Unraid I created a tarball of it on a known good drive.  Now I have my test of Unraid up and running, and am trying to move those files into my array.  My first attempt has been to use Krusader.  I have fixed the common issue of mounting unassigned devices in RO-Slave mode.

    Try 1: Open tarball directly in Krusader.  Krusader is unable to open the tarball.  It's approximately 300GB.  After trying to open and letting it run overnight, it failed with a generic error.

    Try 2: Manually unzip onto another known good HDD, mount that to Krusader, and start to copy files and folders over.  Resulted in the following:

    • Many of the files copy over without issue. 
    • However, many others do not copy over at all.  I've had the following results:
      • Krusader gives the dialog box "unable to access file XYZ"  with option to skip, skip all, or retry.  Retry does nothing, skip brings up the next one, so I typically do skip all.
      • Sometimes Krusader gives the same dialog box but only includes the option to retry or cancel.  Retry does nothing, cancel ends the operation.  My first thought was that this dialog box was because this particular item was the last in the queue, but this was not the case.  Sometimes, this applies to an entire directory.

    Files that Krusader cannot access are all types, including audio, video, text, word documents, images.  Some cases involve every file in a directory.  Other cases involve just a file or two in a large directory.

    My initial suspicion was that this was due to bitrot on the old HDD corrupting some of the files.  HOWEVER, as a final attempt I accessed the unassigned drive over the network using SMB from my Linux Mint PC, and I was able to open a sampling of "faulty" files without issue.

    The only clue that I have is that LibreOffice complained when opening one of the "faulty" word documents that it was open by another person.  This may be on account of my mounting the drive in Read-Only mode, or perhaps file metadata has a "file has been opened" flag?


    These files have always lived on ext3/ext4 drives.


    My next attempt is to boot a VM and pass the unassigned drive and the Array into the VM.  I really want to avoid doing a full network round trip for this much data.

    Thank you!


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