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Posts posted by d0pamin

  1. Hi, today, I noticed that there appears to be potential leakage shortly after the start of the container when using the network of the privoxy docker container for other containers.

    I set up a container to use the network of the privoxy container as described in A24 https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md

    When I start the privoxy container, then start the other container, quickly enter the shell of said other container and do curl ipinfo.io I can see my ISP's IP address -- which makes sense as indicated in A18 in the FAQ linked above but I think there should be a warning somewhere that this setup is potentially not safe during startup-phase of the privoxy container.

    I guess this issue is not easy to mitigate as the privoxy container itself requires access to the internet in order to connect to the VPN. Maybe it could be possible to restrict the network access to the endpoint given in the VPN configuration initially? And only allow for other traffic after the connection has been established? Just some thoughts...


    Kind regards

  2. On 9/28/2022 at 8:15 PM, JorgeB said:

    Could be, especially if it shares a splitter/cable with disk1.

    Dear Jorge,


    I switched the splitter as well and now the problem has not occurred in two days. Therefore, I guess the problem is solved. Thank’s for your input. 

    Kind regards

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  3. Hi, thank’s for the reply.

    Yes, I replaced the SATA cables (with new ones) and ports for disk 1 and 6.


    Do you think this issue may be power-related? 
    So I would try swapping the power cables next, rebuild again and then see how it turns out. 

    Kind regards


  4. Hello there,


    I have an issue with my unraid server. One of the disks (6) has been disabled the first time a few days ago. Following that I ran the full SMART test and it reported no problems. Then I rebuilt the drive from parity. A couple of days later the disk got disabled again. In reaction to that I swapped the SATA cable and port on the main board (before it was connected to a DELL HBA). The rebuilt finished today but only a short time after the drive was again disabled due to read/write errors. 
    I don’t want to do another rebuild without knowing how to fix the cause, so an I am hoping you can help me analyze this problem. 
    Diagnostics are attached.

    Kind regards and thanks in advance 



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