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Posts posted by kulezero

  1. I need some help.  My unraid server keeps crashing and I cannot figure out why I thought it was my GPU I used for transcoding I have since replaced it with an old GPU and turned off GPU transcoding.  I ran a memtest for 10 hours and came back with 0 errors.  Ive gone into bios to make sure c-state options were still the same and they are.  I have even gone and deleted my docker image because I thought it was corrupted do to getting an error in the attached picture.  I am at a loss on what the problem  could be.  I attached the latest diags and syslog if anyone can help me figure this out.  Also attached is a screenshot from what was displayed on the monitor I hooked up to unraid in the latest crash which I just had to reboot at 5pm.

    Docker 2.PNG


    syslog unraid-diagnostics-20230515-1706.zip

  2. 8 hours ago, eaglephantom said:

    Thanks for your response. I tried that out and it didn't work, unfortunately. After doing what you said I also restarted both swag and shinobipro and it's still not working. I'm getting a bunch of this in the error.log within /mnt/user/appdata/swag/log/nginx:


    2022/08/27 18:37:15 [error] 305#305: *183 connect() failed (110: Operation timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:,


    I cut off the rest but that is my router, so I'm wondering if the issue is there but I have the vlan set up properly... I'm not sure what would've changed. I looked in syslog for my router and didn't see anything that stands out.

    I am having the exact same problem with my shinobi install.  Everything is working perfect except for the reverse proxy part.  I checked the error log in nginx and its the same error you are getting.  Hopefully someone with some knowledge on this will see it.

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  3. Well I have completed the parity check with out it crashing.  It has been online for more than 24 hours.  I hope that making those bios changes was all it needed, just find it weird that I haven't had issues for 2 years then it first crashed in December then again in January and this past Friday is the first time it wouldn't even stay running long enough to complete a parity check.  Either way if it stays running then I am happy.  Thanks for the help.

  4. I have been running Unraid successfully for almost 2 years besides a random hiccup every now and then its been pretty smooth.  Recently the server has been experiencing random crashes or hangs.  Also during the parity check it will hang.  Sometimes I can navigate through the menus other times I cant.  I have tried to putty into the unraid terminal and it wont connect.  I have performed a memtest and it comes back with no errors.  I just did an extended SMART test on all my drives and they all came back with no errors.  I have tried disabling all my dockers thinking that it was one of those that was causing the problem and it will still hang on parity check.  I am lost on what to try next if anyone can help I also attached the diagnostics.


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