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Posts posted by BCCHowdy

  1. I ran 6.11.5 for months without a single hiccup.  6.12.3 has not been stable for me and will hard crash. The server will not respond to ping or ssh.  No hardware changes in the past year.  The only thing that changed is the software.  I noticed a call trace in the logs this morning having to do with macvlan.  Please see attached diagnostics.  I've since enabled the syslog server to try and capture the crash event itself.


    The only thing I've noticed that might trigger this is using a WireGuard tunnel.  I have a few peers configured as "Remote access to LAN" which seem to work fine.  I have a single connection configured for "Remote tunneled access" from my iPad.  The last few times the server crashed has been shortly after using that connection.


  2. A fresh install of Kavita is not working for me.  I'm on unraid 6.11.1 and Kavita version is

    The UI works and I can change settings and add libraries but no books appear.  I see this in the logs on startup which I'm guessing is the root of the problem:


    Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 1: 'no such table: ServerSetting'.


    I tried deleting the config folder and starting over but it ends with the same result.

  3. JorgeB - Thanks for this explanation, that clears up the behavior.


    Constructor - I realize the cache drive should be used for speed and frequent writes, but the cache drive is not protected from failure in any way like the array is.  My thinking was if the cache is offloaded nightly to the array then I have somewhat of a backup of this information protected on the array should the cache drive fail.  Perhaps this is flawed thinking since files in use are not moved and this would be a partial copy and potentially useless in restoration efforts.  If my thinking is flawed then what would be the recommended practice to backup the appdata contents to protect against failure of the cache drive?

  4. Hello!


    New to Unraid and absolutely loving it so far!  Thanks for this awesome piece of software.


    My mover does not appear to be moving.  I currently have about 27GB of appdata on the cache drive and the mover isn't offloading those files to the array.  I've browsed all of the drives in the array and none of the system folders appear (appdata, domains, system).


    Manually invoking the mover results in instant "mover: started mover: finished" log entries.  The mover is scheduled as default to run every morning but it's not moving anything.  From reviewing previous posts I've tried:


    Stop VM Manager and Docker, then manually move - no change

    Update something in all the shares and click apply, then manually move - no change

    Stop the array, change something in the global shares settings, start the array and manually move - no change


    The only thing I haven't done is restart the entire system.  Logs are attached.  Thank you for your assistance!




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