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Posts posted by SubRetro

  1. So I was able to resolve my issue after a bit of testing.


    1. I tried the ignore proxy option work around. Didn't work.

    2. I tried removing the docker and its imagine and pull back down comparing the config I had. Didn't work.

    3. I tried updating ovpn conf file and didnt' work.


    What I did find that worked was I shut off the docker, removed the ovpn conf file and started the docker up so I can clearly get the expected log message - 

    "[crit] No OpenVPN config file located in /config/openvpn/ (ovpn extension), please download from your VPN provider and then restart this container, exiting... "


    Then based upon the following error message I was getting.


    2021-02-27 02:05:55,578 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...

    2021-02-27 02:05:55,583 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Options error: Maximum number of 'remote' options (64) exceeded

    Use --help for more information.


    I noticed in my ovpn conf file that there was several entries such as.


    remote.vpnpiatunnel.com TCP 1111

    remote.vpnpiatunnel.com TCP 1111

    remote.vpnpiatunnel.com TCP 1111

    remote.vpnpiatunnel.com UDP 1234

    remote.vpnpiatunnel.com TCP 1111


    So I removed the duplicate entries for the TCP line items and kept the UDP. Ultimately resulting in this.


    remote.vpnpiatunnel.com TCP 1111

    remote.vpnpiatunnel.com UDP 1234


    I saved and copied the file over to the proper directory for the docker and started it back up. Now I get expected behavior in the logs and get the end results once the VPN communication gets established. 


     SABnzbd process is listening on port 8080


    Now I am able to get into the WebUI and my reinstalled docker already had all of its config settings in tack as well. I ran verification tests to my nzb providers and made sure my other dockers such as sonarr/raddar were able to verify test connectivity to sabnzbd and to go through the download request process.


    As of result of all this I have no idea why my conf file had multiple entries. If it was there before and whatever change/requirement was made in this docker update that occurred must of tightened up some requirements and saw that this was an issue in the conf file. Not a deal breaker but when you start to understand the order of behavior with this docker and your setup it certainly helps to walk through the process to better troubleshoot.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope this might help someone down the line. Thanks.




  2. Ok so I suppose I really should of not updated my sabnzbdvpn docker until reading the forums. Been running stable with OpenVPN configured and once I performed the docker update I am seeing a couple of things.


    1. The first thing is I can't access the Dockers WebUI

    2. The second is my other dockers such as Radarr/Sonarr can't connect to the sabnzbdvpn docker

    3. I am also seeing in the logs (supervisord logs) the following errors.


    021-02-26 16:21:34,066 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...

    2021-02-26 16:21:34,071 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Options error: Maximum number of 'remote' options (64) exceeded
    Use --help for more information.

    2021-02-26 16:21:34,075 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...

    2021-02-26 16:21:34,080 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Options error: Maximum number of 'remote' options (64) exceeded
    Use --help for more information.

    2021-02-26 16:21:34,083 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...

    2021-02-26 16:21:34,088 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Options error: Maximum number of 'remote' options (64) exceeded
    Use --help for more information.

    2021-02-26 16:21:34,092 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...


    Also note that I have been searching the internet based on this error and I see results like this from this forum. Not sure if its related but it looks like I can't complete the VPN connection process for some reason and I have verified that the endpoint remote sites are reachable. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/386105/openvpn-daemon-not-using-config-file


    I have attached screen shots on my docker config to help better paint the picture as to what could be the issue. Please provide some guidance as to what might help. I have read through what other users have done with small workarounds but its a bit hard to follow without better screenshots & documentation to try. Thanks for the help, support, and development of a great docker/app .1383894846_sabnzbddockerconfig2.thumb.JPG.926ca9d94786e5796a27657b2030433e.JPG1215215065_sabnzbddockerconfig1.thumb.JPG.423a6a56b6333c315d525ccb608575b5.JPG

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