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Posts posted by Sweina

  1. 9 hours ago, mooky said:

    Keep it simple.


    Here's my docker setup:

    version: '3.7'
        image: binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn
        container_name: qbitvpn
          - /mnt/citadel-library:/data
          - /container-data/qbitvpn:/config
          - PUID=99
          - PGID=100
          - TZ=America/Chicago
          - VPN_ENABLED=yes
          - VPN_USER=p#######
          - VPN_PASS=abc123def456
          - VPN_PROV=pia
          - VPN_CLIENT=openvpn
          - STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=no
          - ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes
          - LAN_NETWORK=
          - WEBUI_PORT=25514
          - UMASK=000
          - NET_ADMIN
          - "6881:6881"
          - "6881:6881/udp"
          - "25514:25514"
          - "8118:8118"
        restart: unless-stopped

    And my unraid is setup with a simple "library" share, under which I have the following directory setup:













    All my dockers access my unraid through "data" inside the docker webUI's.

    The cache is seamless.



    So you got a large library share with subfolders? After all I read that's not the best way, if you don't want plex to spin up every drive to just watch a movie och just one TV show.. 

  2. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but I'll give it a try. 


    I've just started my unraid server and trying to get everything working as I want. 

    I read many threads here and on reddit etc. Watched a lot of spaceinvaders etc. 


    But I'm looking for some help/advice for my qbittorrentvpn docker. 

    I've got an array with 5 data drives and 2 parity. 1 cache drive and 2 unassigned drives. 

    I've got shares on my array with "movies" and "tvshows". But I want to use either my cache ssd or unassigned ssd for downloading, before the torrents are moved to the array for continuous seeding and for my plex library. 

    I know you can use a folder for  incompleted and a folder for completed. But I want to divide them into my "movies" and "tvshow" shares on the array. 


    I see that you can out new torrents in categories. But I can't figure out if it's even possible to do what I want. 

    Even with or without "the mover". I don't want to try to move torrents that's not finished. 

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