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Posts posted by AngryViking82

  1. On 4/20/2016 at 7:31 AM, Naldinho said:

    My problem was that the amd64 was throwing me off -- seeing amd made me think that the driver was for a amd chip. The amd64 driver is actually what you are supposed to use for any 64 bit environment.


    So step by step


    1)When you create the VM there is the option to add a drivers iso -- you need to browse to where you put the drivers you downloaded -- if you haven't downloaded the label is actually a link and you can click on it and it takes you to the website with the iso you need. Originally I was using stable but because I wanted a Windows 10 VM I switched to latest and they worked fine.


    2)When you get to the part in the Windows install where there is no disk pick Load Drivers and the browse down to the driver iso you setup in step #1. There will be a bunch of directories you want the one that ends in stor -- I think it is the last one but not at the office so don't have my Unraid build to reference. Select that and you'll see a bunch of sub-directories with different versions of windows -- obviously pick what you are installing. That then takes to to a choice of amd64 or x86 -- if it is a 64 bit install pick amd64 even if you have an Intel chip and if it is a 32-bit install pick x86. The driver will load and you'll see something about Red Hat followed by the vdisk appearing as a harddrive.


    For XP this was a lot more involved -- I got it to work but it involves more steps -- for 7 and 8,1 this is all I did. For 10 I just upgraded from 7 so didn't do a clean install. The latest drivers have a Win10 directory so I assume the same process. The Stable did not appear to have a Win10 but Win8 should work.





     Above bolded section needs to be upvoted 8 bazillion times and should be the FIRST hit in any search engine when someone types in any combinations of 'unraid, win10 vm, virtio'

    Thank you, thank you, thank you kind sir...

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