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Posts posted by jaquanor

  1. Ignore everything with strikethrough below. I leave it in case it's useful to someone in the future, but it's not the answer.


    Using TigerVNC, almost everything works out of the box, both on Windows and Linux versions, both on 6.12.4 and both on 6.12.6. Almost, because AltGr does not, unless I edit the XML of the VM and remove the keymap="es" parameter. From:


    <graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' websocket='-1' listen='' keymap='es'>
          <listen type='address' address=''/>




    <graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' websocket='-1' listen=''>
          <listen type='address' address=''/>


    This is so qemu does not send the -k=language parameter.


    Or, if you prefer to use Virt-Manager, in "Display VNC", choose Keymap "auto", which leaves the dropdown blank and removes the option in the XML.


    After doing that, AltGr does not work in the noVNC console, but with TigerVNC I have a cross platform tool that works.


    Similar issue here on a Spanish keyboard, luckily I found this thread after the nth Google search.


    I downgraded to 6.12.4 and the warnings are gone, but the problem is still there. I have no idea when this problem started, as I was using RDP until a few days ago.


    Before downgrading, when I pressed "AltGr" then "2" to type an "@" symbol, it printed nothing; now it just prints the "2". But if I press "2" then "AltGr", it sometimes prints "@", sometimes "2", which is an annoying workaround.


    Tested on OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, and Windows 10 VMs. RealVNC, TightVNC, and the built-in NoVNC web view as clients.

    EDIT: After downgrading to 6.12.4, I used another computer to connect to the VMs, this time Linux. Using Remmina, every key works just fine. Using the VM console (VNC), most of them do. After that, I upgraded Unraid, keys were broken again, even using Linux/Remmina.


    Now use this workaround at your own risk. Using 7-zip, I extracted the Spanish keymap from unRAIDServer-6.12.4-x86_64.zip/bzfirmware/share/qemu/keymaps/es and I copied it to Unraid /usr/share/qemu/keymaps/es, which gave me the behavior of the downgrade, while being on 6.12.6. So my problem is neither Unraid itself, nor the updated qemu executable, it's just the keymap file.

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