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Posts posted by Savimaki

  1. I took a look at the recommended ones already, but availabilty in Finland is honestly quite bad. What could I expect if I used the 10 port one but just used some of them. I really don't have many options

  2. Hello everyone!

    I am planning on moving a current unraid setup to a different case and adding hard drives. It will be formatted so no need to worry about data. I am planning on using an Inter-Tech 4U 4408 case with the backplanes and a DeLock PCIe x2 > 10x Internal SATA 6Gb/s -expansion card. Do I need to get a 1x SFF-8087 > 4x SATA *Crossover* cable or a not crossover one. I know the PCIe 2x slot isn't probably enough, but it should be ok since I will be connecting half of the SATA ends staight to the motherboard (if that works). Do you guys have anything to say about the setup? Any problems I didn't notice? Thanks in advance

  3. Currently Unraid isn't meant to be resold, and as such if you buy the license under your credentials, it remains your license. Reselling is against the TOS

    That honestly confuses me a little bit, since there is an option to buy a license as an oem.
    I am not trying to resell the license, but sell them the hardware and technical support as I would configure everything for them etc. They would own the license and the hardware. Also, it is meant to be as simple as possible for the clients as I would be doing everything to get the system up and running and doing maintenance on it if necessary. On site or remotely, as I live in a small city where everything is within 10 kilometers.
  4. What I mean by seeing each other is that to use the "my servers" plugin, you must login to your forum account on the server. I will be referring to those servers as clients. If I have x amount of clients I want to monitor and manage, will those clients be able to login to my account and manage other clients? My plan is to sell ready to go storage solutions to my local businesses(I live in a small city) with unraid installed. I would buy the parts, build the machines, install them and manage them later remotely if necessary. You may have noticed a problem. If I want to manage multiple clients, they too would be able to log in to my account and see other clients. Is there any way I can manage x amount of clients, without them being able to see each other? Of course it is an option to just remote in or just go physically there, but it isn't the best option.

  5. Hey guys, this is my first post here. I have known about unraid for quite a few years now, but recently I started actually learning to use it and work with it. I have seen a lot of chat around security. Some people say its fine to expose the unraid machine to the internet (not the dashboard of course and with other proper security measures) and some say never to do it. I'm really wondering if the people telling not to expose it are just trying to achieve "google-like" security, or if it actually matters in real life. I of course don't think it would be "unhackable", nothing is. I have also noticed the threads are semi-old (2017, etc.). How is the security these days? Could I expose it to the internet for example to use docker apps etc. with lets say a reverse proxy? Should I bury my idea?


    Also, would you consider an unRaid server (on a local network) with double parity to be safe for your data?

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