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Posts posted by Loony

  1. SpaceInvader one to the rescue again. short version -
    In Apps store grab 'Unraid-Cloudflared-Tunnel'

    after setting up a tunnel in Cloudflare, copy n paste your key in docker. (token config)

    (delete all this so just has the key at the end =  "docker run cloudflare/cloudflared:latest tunnel --no-autoupdate run --token ")

    If you have set up other tunnels they should link and boom, updated and working fine.


    Spaceinvaders Utube for detailed set up for noobs like me = 

    Simple Cloudflare Tunnel Setup on Unraid for Beginners! (youtube.com)

  2. Not sure how long this has been out for, cant have been more than a couple of days.
    reinstalled docker, just wont run? (Radarr is fine)

    2024-01-04 09:51:38,438 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    Non-recoverable failure, waiting for user intervention...


    Edit* full scrub got it going again, not sure why it died?


  3. Ive woken to a similar issue,

    Server is all working fine and running, can access the dockers locally, just not the main gui page via browser. (on edge or firefox)

    Just times out with a "500 internal server error"

    Saw this thread and going to try and sort it when back at home.


  4. Thanks for the response Squid, Im the noob in question here.

    Previously I had Plex set up under a custom network, through swag to reach my web domain with no issues. This worked fine until the recent breach where i reinstalled it.

    I have changed to Host and added the claim which has worked and got it going but cant get it to the domain being on host.  i fell im missing something very obvious here.

    *edit, im going to add port setting in the docker listed from Bruce, if that fails ill post back but disregard for now squid, im sure you have many other noobs to deal with and im happy to be one less for now. :)

  5. Another Noob affected by the plex breach.

    Long story short, tried to reclaim several times and just couldn't get it to work. (Most likely die to everyone doing it at the same time maybe)

    Ive wiped/reinstalled the docker (linuxserver) to just start from scratch out of frustration where now it wont pull any network settings?

    In fact, Ive tried other plex dockers and none will pull through. Logs dont say much other than ending with the usual "starting plex server, libusb_init failed"

    Tried reinstalling again, even wiped the docker image with no change, same story. Am i missing something very obvious or do i need my own thread to be put in a museum with a plaque saying "this is a first thanks to this idiot"


  6. Another Noob affected by the plex breach.

    Long story short, tried to reclaim several times and just couldn't get it to work. (Most likely die to everyone doing it at the same time maybe)

    Ive wiped/reinstalled the docker (linuxserver) to just start from scratch out of frustration where now it wont pull any network settings?

    In fact, Ive tried other plex dockers and none will pull through. Logs dont say much other than ending with the usual "starting plex server, libusb_init failed"

    Tried reinstalling again, even wiped the docker image with no change, same story. Am i missing something very obvious or do i need my own thread to be put in a museum with a plaque saying "this is a first thanks to this idiot"


    *apologies, moved to linux thread-more appropriate area*



  7. Hi,
    another noob but hopefully a simple one.

    got a corrupt file error but all seems to be runnning ok. I have another flash drive if it needs swapping out but wondered if it was fixable?


    FCP error =

    /boot/config/AAAremaneddotsmart-one.cfg corrupted


    File shows this info =



    not sure which other file to add from the diag folders?

    (on 6.9.2)


    TIA :)

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