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  1. Yah, I'm unable to provide diagnostic data, as the server is not accessible...
  2. Dear Support, Unraid has been running VERY stable and smooth for over several years now... About 6 months ago I upgraded to V6.12.3 without issues and today I decided to apply the 6.12.6 upgrade. Well, server became unreachable, after some investigations I figured out that it is booting fine, strange thing, there will be exactly 2 pings successful, after network config is being loaded, then it'll be unreachable again. I spent some time and even did a downgrade to the previous version, but the issue persits. It boot in a normal way, at least it looks like, but then after displaying version and IP address it turns unreachable (no ping, no nothing) anymore. As the server is in a remote location (I have a remote console and even USB-Stick access) maybe I can fix it in a manual way? I'm very thankful for any hints and advices. Thanks very much! Blindy P.S.: disks are encrypted
  3. Hi there, I hope opening my post here is in the correct topic. Well, I some month ago installed Cloudberry Backup and it ran like a charm. I have to admit that I always had little permission issues, but tweaking the appdata permissions always went ok. Since the last container update I now experience warnings of CB telling that files have changed during backup. I never had it before. Even as I tried running the container with UID/GID 0/0 (root/root) and switching privileged on, nothing changed. Do you guys have similar issues? Can someone advise regarding best permission settings? Thank you in advance
  4. Dear all, yesterday I've been upgrading to the latest version of Unraid, everything works fine, except my ownCloud docker... The mysql database won't start, throwing tons of errors: 20528 09:24:43 mysqld_safe Logging to '/config/database/c456c737f0aa.err'. 220528 09:24:43 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/database /usr/bin/mysqld_safe_helper: Can't create/write to file '/config/database/c456c737f0aa.err' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied") 220528 09:24:44 mysqld_safe Logging to '/config/database/c456c737f0aa.err'. 220528 09:24:44 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/database /usr/bin/mysqld_safe_helper: Can't create/write to file '/config/database/c456c737f0aa.err' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied") 220528 09:24:45 mysqld_safe Logging to '/config/database/c456c737f0aa.err'. 220528 09:24:45 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/database /usr/bin/mysqld_safe_helper: Can't create/write to file '/config/database/c456c737f0aa.err' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied") I've been investigating, even forcing an update of the owncloud docker, nothing helps. Maybe someone here has similar issues? Thanks for any ideas Blind
  5. Hi everybody, it took me several days to figure out what my issue was. I’ll explain to provide a resolution for my issue. my Unraid server is running on a SuperMicro Mainboard X10SDV-2C-TLN2F. It has 2 10Gbe links and currently there seems to be a known issue with those adapters. In my case when both NICs are connected via 10g, that the system will drop network connections unexpectedly at various times. I found this article on the net, describing my issue, and I followed it, contacting SM support. https://tinkertry.com/how-to-work-around-intermittent-intel-x557-network-outages-on-12-core-xeon-d SuperMicro provided me a firmware patch version sdv23a for those NICs, but applying it didn’t change anything for me. I received and applied a version sdv23b a day later and that worked well for me, with a little con, as I had to connect NIC0 to a 1Gbe switch. Then it looks very stable again. AlsoI tried connecting NIC0 to the 10g switch and limit the port‘s bandwidth to 1Gbe, but that didn’t eliminate the problem.
  6. Oh very true... Haha unraid-diagnostics-20220406-1208.zip
  7. Hello everybody, lately my Unraid 6.9.2 server has serious issues with 10G network connections. Looks like I can reproduce the issue, when I'm runnig a Cloudberry Backup, after about 1 - 2 hours running the network connection drops and the whole server including a running VM becomes unavailable. VMs are using a secondary 10G uplink, the first NIC is for management and docker. I already created a diagnostics report today, as soon as the link dropped again. I already replaced network cables, verified that the switch ports are fine, plus I updated to the latest BIOS version. My backup plans only include backups for network shares, so no wiered system files or such. Thanks very much in advance! Blind
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