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Posts posted by dank2021

  1. I was playing around trying to spin up a VM. I have a pcie network card and was trying to set up pfsense to use four port NiC, I think I messed up the the iommu group. Eth0 kept saying ethernet port 0 is disconnected. So I went to a backup but Now I can not statically set my IP. I would like to start fresh. Cause once I physically removed the PCIe NIC I was able to get Eth0 back to the onboard port. But now when I reboot I am getting all sort of errors and would really like to start with a fresh build if possible with just my array and cache pools and dockers if possible. Currently I am up and running but once I set my ip to static My USB fails to boot unraid. It does I can not login to the gui on my network. If I put disk assignments, docker,cfg and pro key into a fresh build will my app data be still on my cache pool? if anyone could point me to a good topic/walkthrough or what to do.  Any assistance would be much appreciate. 

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