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Posts posted by cYnd

  1. Hi,

    unfortunately I am not able to get this to work.

    I was able to obtain a FR24 and Flightaware key and the container also starts.


    However I can't connect to the WebUIs and at least Flightaware shows that my receiver is offline.

    There are some errors in the logs which I can't quite interpret or know how to solve them:


    s6-rc: info: service confd-layers successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service init-upintheair successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service planefinder-log successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service planefinder: stopping
    s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
    s6-rc: info: service netcat successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-stats successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-mlat successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-feed: stopping
    s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service planefinder successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service conf-planefinder: stopping
    s6-rc: info: service conf-planefinder successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-feed successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service conf-adsbexchange: stopping
    s6-rc: info: service dump1090: stopping
    s6-rc: info: service conf-adsbexchange successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
    s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service dump1090 successfully stopped
    s6-rc: info: service dump1090: starting
    s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
    s6-rc: info: service dump1090 successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service netcat: starting
    s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
    s6-rc: info: service init-upintheair: starting
    s6-rc: info: service confd-piaware: starting
    s6-rc: info: service confd-layers: starting
    s6-rc: info: service confd-html: starting
    s6-rc: info: service confd-fr24feed: starting
    s6-rc: info: service conf-planefinder: starting
    s6-rc: info: service conf-adsbexchange: starting
    s6-rc: info: service netcat successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service confd-layers successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
    s6-rc: info: service conf-planefinder successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service planefinder: starting
    s6-rc: info: service conf-adsbexchange successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-feed: starting
    s6-rc: info: service init-upintheair successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service planefinder successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service planefinder-log: starting
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO Backend set to env
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO Starting confd
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO Backend source(s) set to 
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO Backend set to env
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO Starting confd
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO Backend source(s) set to 
    s6-rc: info: service planefinder-log successfully started
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO /etc/piaware.conf has UID 99 should be 0
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO /etc/piaware.conf has GID 100 should be 0
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO /etc/piaware.conf has mode drwxr-xr-x should be -rwxr-xr-x
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO /etc/fr24feed.ini has UID 99 should be 0
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO /etc/fr24feed.ini has GID 100 should be 0
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO /etc/piaware.conf has md5sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e should be a29b252381524e33f3b49936b853f1cb
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: INFO Target config /etc/piaware.conf out of sync
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO /etc/fr24feed.ini has mode drwxr-xr-x should be -rwxr-xr-x
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO /etc/fr24feed.ini has md5sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e should be bd8f2a535d26d75155797ea4a1bf3b63
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: INFO Target config /etc/fr24feed.ini out of sync
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: ERROR rename /etc/.piaware.conf107157797 /etc/piaware.conf: file exists
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[89]: FATAL rename /etc/.piaware.conf107157797 /etc/piaware.conf: file exists
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: ERROR rename /etc/.fr24feed.ini789313639 /etc/fr24feed.ini: file exists
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[92]: FATAL rename /etc/.fr24feed.ini789313639 /etc/fr24feed.ini: file exists
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO Backend set to env
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO Starting confd
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO Backend source(s) set to 
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/config.js has UID 99 should be 0
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/config.js has GID 100 should be 0
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/config.js has mode drwxr-xr-x should be -rwxr-xr-x
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/config.js has md5sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e should be 8538a54a6ad0763a4aad43aba067cecd
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: INFO Target config /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/config.js out of sync
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: ERROR rename /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/.config.js847656311 /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/config.js: file exists
    2023-04-11T12:39:26+02:00 f1ee367061cd /opt/confd/bin/confd[90]: FATAL rename /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/.config.js847656311 /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/config.js: file exists
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-feed successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-stats: starting
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-mlat: starting
    s6-rc: warning: unable to start service confd-piaware: command exited 1
    s6-rc: warning: unable to start service confd-fr24feed: command exited 1
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-mlat successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service adsbexchange-stats successfully started
    s6-rc: warning: unable to start service confd-html: command exited 1
    [dump1090] Tue Apr 11 12:39:26 2023 CEST  dump1090-fa v8.2 starting up.
    [dump1090] rtlsdr: using device #0: Generic RTL2832U (Generic, RTL2832U, SN 77771111153705700)
    [dump1090] Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
    [dump1090] rtlsdr: tuner gain set to 49.6 dB (gain step 28)
    [dump1090] Allocating 4 zero-copy buffers


    Has anyone the same issue and knows how to solve this?

  2. I am running in the same issue:

    Since some days docker of paperless-ngx shows as version "not available" on Unraid 6.11.5.

    When opening paperless I see that a new version is available (1.12.2; currently it is 1.11.3).

    Repository is ghcr.io/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx aswell.


    Any ideas how to get the image updated?

  3. Hi,


    I am trying to use Mayan EDMS with MySQL. But everytime Mayan tries to initalize the database it throws the following error:

    django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1005, 'Can\'t create table `maya`.`documents_documentversion` (errno: 121 "Duplicate key on write or update")')

    MariaDB runs in version 10.7.3.

    Any ideas how to fix that?

  4. Okay, I indeed use docker with static IP addresses. Moreover I also enabled the setting "Host access to custom networks" in the docker settings because I am running PiHole and Unbound on my UnRaid Server as two docker containers and I want that my UnRaid Server is also using pihole and unbound as DNS servers. When I switch the setting off, I can't access these containers from within unraid itself.


    Since I am not an network specialist, I don't know any other workaround to use my local dns server within UnRaid. To solve the problem of the crashes I disabled the setting again and I will check if the crashes persist or if this solved my problem.


    However do you know how I need to configure my UnRaid server so it can access the PiHole/Unbound docker containers with custom IP addresses as a DNS server?

  5. So I am running UnRaid 6.9.1 on a Intel Core i3-10100 mounted on a ASUS TUF GAMING B460M-PLUS with 16GB of Kingston HyperX DDR4-2666.

    Everything was running smooth when I suddently noticed that occasionally my UnRaid server crashes with a Kernel panic - fatal exception in interrupt. Unfortunalety I can't attach anything else than picture, otherwise I would have provided the SysLog and diagnostics.getpubthumb?code=XZDixDXZefWwiFNNI3S0iSW


    I also ran MEMTEST and it passed, so it shouldn't be the RAM.





    Have you any ideas how to solve this?

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