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Posts posted by choakem

  1. [email protected]


    What I do - I open GUI of HandBrake - Import the preset using the "preset" toolbar within the handbrake GUI & I also set it as default.


    Then I save the preset using "save as" and stick it into the General Catagory and confirm its there by "view" preset List and confirming my preset is within the General Catagory


    Within the Docker container

    Automatic Video Converter: Preset:   General/YIFI


    Should do the trick



  2. 7 hours ago, kcgodwins said:

    Love this container, use it all the time on my Unraid box.


    I'm trying to mimic this functionality on a Windows box using Handbrake, particularly the "watch" and "automatic conversion" functionality, but I've not yet figured out how to do this.  Does anyone have any information on how I can accomplish this or links to any resources that can help me out?  Thanks in advance!


    It can monitor up 5 different watch folders defined as /watch /watch1  ....... 

    It does exactly what you need  - Please post your config....


    container path /watch

    Host path /mnt/storage/MyContentToBeEncoded

    It will monitor /mnt/storage/MyContentToBeEncoded for any content to be encoded....


    Details are in the config of the docker instance........

  3. Djoss,


    Github request added.


    As an interim measure - is there any parameter I can use that will move the currently encoding content into a non-watch folder during the encode so that the second instance wont try to encode the same ?

    Pre-script maybe??


    #Hopefull Look


    Thanks for reading!

  4. Question: I have a Ryzen 9 processor and I am encoding H265 but I've noticed I'm only getting about 30% CPU utilisation.


    Other than installing a second instance of Handbrake - Is there any plans to support multiple Encodes at the same time?


    Thank-you for all your hard work....


    I really do appreciate the hard work and expertise required.


    Note: When I have tried a second instance of Handbrake - I have to use different watch folder otherwise they will both encode the same content at the same time. 

  5. Hi all,


    How is the Raid performance on UNRAID?


    For the following question : I do NOT care about redundancy or backups (only space and performance) 


    I have 2 identical machines - each with 12*8Tb drives.


    One is running Ubuntu 20.04 with Raid 0

     Timing cached reads:   10994 MB in  1.99 seconds = 5523.34 MB/sec
     Timing buffered disk reads: 4042 MB in  3.00 seconds = 1347.14 MB/sec
    root@Storage4:~# sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/md1


    Identical machine (UNRAID OS)

     Timing cached reads:   9340 MB in  1.99 seconds = 4688.61 MB/sec
     Timing buffered disk reads:  30 MB in  3.21 seconds =   9.35 MB/sec

    Both machines are Raid0 (as performance is required over backups(I don't mind if I lose all data))

    As you can see the performance of Buffered Disk Reads are not even close to being comparable!!


    Image attached of the setup in UNRAID


    Have I setup UNRAID Array correctly as Raid0?

    I'm beginning to think I have not!!!


    Thanks for any help/suggestions you can offer...


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