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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. 2 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Expander is an Intel RES2SV240 with the latest firmware, which is known to work great, unless it's failing.


    Clearly you've been doing this a while. Thanks for that. 


    I'm trying to locate the correct firmware now, and make sure I understand the flashing process before I even consider getting started. Thanks again for your help. It's much appreciated!


  2. 3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    There are constant errors with multiple devices, these suggests a power/connection problem, you should also upgrade the LSI firmware since it's very old.


    Creating a smaller array is relatively easy, you just need to do a new config, unassign the disks you don't want in the new array and start it to begin a parity sync, but this should be done only after the above issues are solved.


    @JorgeB thanks for the input. I don't know why a firmware update hadn't really crossed my mind. I'm taking a look now. I bought the chassis, drives, and HBA configuration from someone about a year ago, and hadn't given it much thought since it more or less worked as expected. I may need to shut the array down again and take a closer look at the hardware, as I don't know if the expander is a problem and that doesn't seem to be reported in the system info. 



  3. Let me start by saying, while quite technical and experienced, storage is not and never has been my strong suit, which is what lead me to UNRAID in the first place... 


    I have a UPS for my machine, which covers it for about 3 minutes during a power outage, which should give it enough time to power everything down. A few nights ago there was a power outage and the server went down and did not come back up on its own. I had to manually bring it up in the morning. When it came up I had two disks that were emulated, and after an attempt at rebuilding the same disks I swapped them out. I started a rebuild and figured everything would be fine... it was not.


    Once the rebuild finished I still had disabled/emulated disks. I rebooted the server, thinking it may help bring things back to a stable state... after doing so... Instead what I had was four unmountable disks, including the two original disks which had issues. However the state of the disks was reporting healthy and online, which confused me...


    Following the advice of some other posts on the forums, I tried running suggested xfs_repair with options, and that did not seem to help. It seems like the 'problem' disks keep jumping from one to another. 


    While I know this may wind up being an issue that results in some disks needing to be completely reconstructed, I'm hoping to avoid that if at all possible. I am running two LSI 2308 and an Expander card ( I don't know off the top of my head the model and I'm trying to avoid pulling anything apart again ).


    I believe part of the problem is the number of devices and complication of the configuration...


    x16 Slot3 : HBA

    x16 Slot2 : HBA

    x4 M.2 Slot 1 : M.2 to PCIEx4 Slot : Expander


    So, what I'm wondering now is..


    Is there a reasonable way to permanently remove a few disks from the array, while maintaining the data that exists on these disks? (The Array is using HighWater, and from what I can tell only about 10 of the disks are actually in use (though ~21gb is allocated on every disk and I don't know what the purpose of that is). EDIT: What I mean is to reduce the array to say, 14-16 disks, by removing a 2-4 of the ones not in use by any of my shares (which at the moment would be ~14-18)


    I'm open to suggestions, and hoping not to have to start from scratch... I migrated most of this data from a windows server based storage system (which was bad in a lot of ways). I still have that server (powered off) which I could use to move data around if I needed to, but I'm hoping not to have to do that. 


    A side note, I did just pick up an ASR72405 which should be here in the next week or so, and from a spec standpoint seems to support a much larger number of devices than the 2308s. 


    I've attached my Diagnostics, as it seems this is always helpful. I've also included a visual representation of the array layout (each row in the backplane has its own SAS cable) - I don't know if this is helpful information, but I figured it won't hurt).


    Thanks in advance to anyone who has any advice! 



    Disk Layout



  4. 4 hours ago, norp90 said:

    Having issues getting latest release working?


    - If pihole running but status in UI/API is not shoiwn active, add env. variable 'DNSMASQ_USER' with value = 'root'. This should be fixed soon in a new release, they are working on it, so remove this variable again once new update released and see if it's no longer required.


    - Other issues? Do a review of all of your docker template env. variables vs. the current recommend and optional ones here https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole. There have been a lot of changes recently that haven't been reflected in Unraid automatically. I suggest removing old ones no longer in use or only optional and see if that fixes issues, then add back any you know you need. The changes in the DNS ones to a single PIHOLE_DNS one was a big change recently to watch for.

    THANK YOU! Holy crap this has been bugging the crap out of me. I actually set up AdGuard because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on. This fixed my issues... though at this point my pihole will be a secondary DNS server for now. 

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