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Posts posted by Marino13

  1. 7 hours ago, binhex said:

    are you changing the host port or the container port?, it should (nearly) ALWAYS be host side only, each port must be unique and not used by any other containers, that will then allow you to start two vpn containers.

    Thanks.  Yes, just the host port.  I guess I was doing it correctly and it was working but I was being a bonehead thinking that if the web_ui for privoxy wasn't coming up that it wasn't working.  Once I installed it again, did an ifconfig.io and saw the correct IP I tried adding another container though it and it worked.  

  2. I have multiple containers passing through delugevpn and everything is working fine.  I would like to pass a separate container through to a different VPN address.  Does anyone know how I can do this?   I tried using another vpn container but it wants to use port 8118 also and when I change the port in the second container to something else I cannot access it.

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