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Bifrost Systems

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Posts posted by Bifrost Systems

  1. Been having this issue for awhile where either the logs of docker containers or the unraid log won't load, (Chromium: BRAVE) sometimes it'll work in Safari, but right now, the ui loads but the drives don't show. Just a blank section where they should be. Often times the docker page loads extremely slowly. I have taken the liberty per other forum threads to delete the docker image and re-do it. That sadly deleted my docker networks, but I can fix that. Still not sure what is going on, been like this for about a year. Diag attached.four8server-diagnostics-20230606-1255.zip


    what it should look like: 


  2. On 9/6/2019 at 11:01 AM, joshstrange said:

    I tried different browsers and different devices but the GUI stayed in that odd state. Once I was sure the rebuild was complete (mind you the array was accessible this whole time, it just didn't look like it was via the UI) I rebooted the machine through the web UI and everything came up correctly. That was a scary few days where I wasn't sure if it was working or not but it appears it was all fine and just some UI glitch.


    Bottom line if your UI looks like my screenshot above then just ride it out until the rebuild is complete then reboot your server.

    Same for me on 6.10.2, will wait until rebuild and reboot, strange bug.

  3. HAVING SAME ISSUES. FOLLOWED SI TO a T and seem to be stuck on port forward

    I've followed every single step and still can't get this to work. I'm using Cloudflare DNS on unraid, got my api and everything going. I can see the swag instance on my LAN, but I can't see it connected to my subdomain on Cloudflare. I get the Error 522, that the host is down. I've got a netgear router, and the only port forward option is to tell the server to forward 1443. I've done all the settings, internal to external same, different, etc. What am I doing wrong here?

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