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Posts posted by Vilhjalmr

  1. Support for vilhjalmr26 unraid templates, AgenDAV and Import_ICS.

    My Repository: https://github.com/Vilhjalmr26/unraid_templates


    Overview: Support for AgenDAV docker.


    WebSite: https://github.com/agendav/agendav

    GitHub: https://github.com/Vilhjalmr26/agendav

    DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vilhjalmr26/agendav



    This docker contains the AgenDAV CalDAV frontend, for use with a separate MySQL database, and CalDAV server like Baikal or RadiCAL

    This uses the official php 7.4.28 apache docker as a base. 


    Initial Setup:

    Have a MySQL DB and User setup and a CalDAV server setup and ready to go.

    Install the docker.

    On first startup it will notice the lack of settings files, create examples in the config folder, and then stop running.

    Rename the example files to remove "example." from the name, and modify the contents to match your desired setup.

    Once done, restart the container, and everything should be fine.

    This only exposes port 80, and assumes it will be behind a proxy for SSL



    Overview: Support for Import_ICS

    GitHub: https://github.com/Vilhjalmr26/import_ics

    DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vilhjalmr26/agendav


    Runs a python script at a crontab defined interval that downloads/imports ics files into a caldav server.

    Environment Variables:
    ICS_USERNAME - Username for caldav server
    ICS_PASSWORD - Password for caldav server
    ICS_URL - URL to the caldav server
    CRONTAB_SCHEDULE - crontab time string, eg. "0 0 * * *"
    TZ - Timezone eg. "America/Chicago"

    creates a calendar_download_map.py file in the config path.  The dictionary contained within uses calendar name as key, and URL to ics as value.
    Will download the ics file at the given URL and load its contents into the given calendar name, creating it if it doesnt exist.

    If ics file is not from a download, you can put the file in the /config/ical_export forlder with calendar_name.ics as the filename.
    Again, when run the script will import the ics file into  calendar_name, creating it if it doesnt exist.


  2. I know this is a super old topic, but was all my searches found when I had this same issue.

    Solution I just figured out is fairly simple.

    - Install the Theme Engine plugin.

    - In the settings, select Advanced view

    - Set "Enable custom styling (below):" to Yes

    - In text box that now appears at very bottom, add

    #header.image{background-image:url(/boot/config/plugins/dynamix/banner.png?v=1652994810);background-size: 1920px 90px;background-position: left;}

    just change the size values to match your image size, and position value to what you want it to be.

    If all you want is the banner change, just replace all contents of that text window with the above.  If you add it to the end, it will also apply all of the custom style.

    • Like 1
  3. ok, eth0 is my 1gb, eth2 is the fiber.

    I have eth0 as dhcp, with router giving ip of, and gateway of

    eth2 is static definition,, with no gateway.

    rebooted for good measure.  Community apps fails to pull list at all.

    I can still connected the web ui on

    Routing Table has

    Protocol	Route		Gateway			Metric	Delete
    IPv4		default via br0	217	
    IPv4	eth2			1	
    IPv4	wg0			1	
    IPv4	wg0			1	
    IPv4	br0			217


    wg0 is from my wireguard setup

  4. I have 2 servers running unraid that have 2x1GB and 2xSFP+ 10GB network connections.  I do not have a 10GB switch, so am trying to have 1GB connection to my switch for internet and general network connectivity.  Separately I am trying to setup direct connect on SFP+ between the 2 servers, on a separate IP, not part of the bond.  Once setup, I can ping between the servers, can ping to my main netowrk, and can search community apps for plugins, but the additional docker hunb search doesnt work.  And if I try to install a plugin, the download fails.

    plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.system.stats.plg ... failed (Network failure)
    plugin: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.system.stats.plg download failure (Network failure)


    I am guessing it is trying to prioritize the 10gig connection over the 1gb, but I can't find where to adjust that.

    The reason for the 10GB connection between the servers is for faster backup between them.

    Any ideas would be welcome.  Thanks in advance.

  5. I just noticed this issue after the 2 most recent UD updates.  I access my webui through a local nginx proxy that lets me use http:// servername . domain . com to access my unraid instead of http://ip_address:port.  The issue is, when accessed via the proxied name, UD does not load.  I see the update image on loop indefinitely.  Accessing directly via IP/Port works fine.  Any ideas?



    edit:  OK, figured it out, turns out to use the domain based address, I needed to undet Settings->Management Access, set Local TLD to match the subdomain.domain.com I was using, that fixed the UD load, as well as my terminals that had been acting up.

  6. On 10/12/2021 at 9:46 PM, tmor2 said:

    Ever since I updated poste.io container in August 2021, all of my emails are being quarantined.  In order to IMAP retrieve emails from server to my phone, I need to log in into webUI as admin, go to "Quarantine" tab and click "deliver" next to EACH email. This is very tedious.


    Does anyone have this problem?


    Also, under "Blacklist/Whitelist---->Karma Records", all IP addresses are marked as "Bad" connection. The only workaround to manually "delivering" each quarantined email, is whitelisting all incoming IP addresses. That's quite risky.


    Disabling "Spam Check" and "Antivirus" check didn't solve problem.


    Any ideas?


    Did you ever find an answer for this?  I have a friend having a similar problem, trying to figure out why.



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