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  1. Thanks, unfortunately, I inherited the unit and so don't have a service contract. I had read that Cisco will provide updates to patch security issues, but I didn't have much luck when I reached out to them...
  2. Hi, apologies in advance as this is not specifically related to UnRaid (although my UnRaid is connected to this switch 🙂). Would anyone know how I can get the most recent software for this switch? It's currently running 6.0(2)U3(4) which is close to 10 years old! Thank you!
  3. Hi, thank you…I ran check array and even though it didn’t find any errors, the starting services message is now gone and I’m able to create new shares.
  4. Hi, I’m running 6.12.6 and trying to create a new share. I go to SHARES and click on ADD SHARE. I type in the name of the share and click ADD SHARE. I see the UnRAID animation for a few seconds and the form is cleared and I click DONE. However, at this point, I don’t see my new share. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve tried rebooting, but the same thing happens. Note: I do notice that at the bottom of the screen, it says “Starting services….” And it’s been saying that for a long time. Does that mean something is hanging and maybe that’s why the share is not being created? Thanks
  5. Hi, as an update, I found the issue. It seems the S3 Sleep Addin requires me to add drives outside the array to prevent sleep. I've added those drives and now the system doesn't sleep anymore and things are back to normal. I also enabled the check for NIC activity just in case. Thanks!
  6. Hi, as an update to the above, I now realize the system is not hanging. It seems it becomes unresponsive (no web dashboard and no access to shares) after a period of time, but if I log on to the physical server itself (via the command line via physical keyboard and monitor attached to the server), it will “wake“ the system up and the web dashboard and the shares come back to life. For example, right now, it is parity checking the array and I can see the drive enclosure lights blinking, but after a while, the lights will stop and I’ll lose web and share access. And then when I go and hit enter a few times while logged into the command line, the system will wake and the lights will starting blinking again and the parity check continues. Very strange. Does UnRAID go to sleep after a period of time? That would be very strange given it’s a fileserver, but I have to admit, I am a noob here. Any thoughts on this behavior? PS - if it’s any clue, I find that only hitting enter on the physical keyboard attached to the server will “wake” it up. If I hit enter from the Web cli page, it will not wake it up. Thanks!
  7. Hi, I had been running OS 6.9 for a while without issues, when OS 6.10 was released, I upgraded and started to experience random crashes. I’ve tried to upgrade as new releases come out, hoping it will resolve my issue, and most recently updated to 6.12.3, but my system is still hanging (no access to shares or web page). I use UnRAID as a backup device so don’t keep it running all the time…that’s why I was able to live with the crashes, but figured I should try to find a fix for my problem since I would like to upgrade some of my drives and would hate to have it crash while rebuilding the array. Is there a way to reinstall my system while keeping my current drive setup, shares, settings etc? Or any other troubleshooting tips? Thank you!
  8. Oh, so mover doesn’t stop at the notification threshold? It keeps moving files to the array until it is full?
  9. Thanks…I think that’s my question. How do I copy the files from poolx to the new pooly? I would like pooly to have the same file structure, setup as poolx. Do I need to create everything manually or is there a better way? Thank you for your help and apologies for the noob questions!
  10. Sorry, I don’t understand. My goal is to install 2 new 18TB disks, move all my data off poolx, get rid of poolx and it’s associated 2TB disks. What is the best way to accomplished that? I cannot afford to buy more than two drives at this time…that’s why I didn’t think upgrading the array disks is an option.
  11. Maybe I don’t understand…I had thought if I upgrade my array disks, given my parity disks are only 4TB, that the files on the new, 18 TB disks would not be protected. Also, with respect to keeping some free space, I don’t think I realized that was important when I first setup the server, but now have set a threshold of 15% free….
  12. Thanks. I was thinking of buying two new 18 TB drives and moving all the files I have on poolx to these new drives (in mirrored config), and then getting rid of poolx and its associated drives. How would I accomplish this?
  13. Oops…sorry…no Smart errors on any of the disks.
  14. Hi, thank you for your help. Yes, agree having larger drives is better than having many small drives, and that's what I'm trying to do, but these small ones are what I had on hand when building the server and did not have the $$$ to purchase new larger ones...here is my diagnostic file. unraid-diagnostics-20220717-1451.zip
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