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Posts posted by GuitaristTom

  1. I lost power at my house today, and for some reason my qBittorrent config file reset. A friend of mine has a similar issue.


    It's fine if the container is stopped and restarted normally, it's just if the power is cut to the server while the container itself is running.


    All of the stats remained, it was just the config file that reset.

  2. A couple that I would love to see would be `JDownloader2` and `Gitlab-CE`.


    `JDownloader2` could be set up similar to your Krusader one, which in theory should make it easy to throw together. It even has proxy settings built in to it, so it can work with your other Privoxy containers.


    `Gitlab-CE` would be nice, but would be a little harder to set up.


    Another bonus one, and I might do it myself based on your Krusader one so I can learn, would be `Sublime Text 4`. It can either be found on the AUR, or you add in Sublime HQ's repo to pacman, so it shouldn't be too hard to update.


    (I thought I'd ask you for these since I'm a fellow Arch user, and I would like to see more representation of it on here, instead of Alpine Linux)

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