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Posts posted by Z3unraid

  1. 8 hours ago, Aceriz said:

    So I had to manually downgrade the onlyoffice app in next cloud because I accidentally updated and then things stopped working. Followed the instructions from jlfilcken https://help.nextcloud.com/t/error-after-upgrading-app/126540/16


    I am now getting error of pensions not being appropriate 


    His instructions reference


    To fixing of the access permissions to the underlying files and folders.
    with the following

    sudo -u root find ./onlyoffice -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} ;

    sudo -u root find ./onlyoffice -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} ;


    I can not figure out where to run those commands

    when I tried to run them in the unraid terminal at the below file level

    I get the error → find: missing argument to `-exec’



    Cross posting as hope someone here might know thanks in advance


    I ran into this same issue. It's most likely because you're running an outdated version of OnlyOffice. Switch to the official image. That's what I did and it cleared it up without having to downgrade the plugin.

  2. 6 minutes ago, trurl said:

    The templates that allow the webUI to work with your dockers is on flash. You will have to set them up again. If you set them up exactly as they were then appdata should let them work as they were. 

    Thank you for the reply! I went to try to change the config from the Docker menu but unfortunately it does not give me the option. Only Console, Logs, Start and if I start it still no config option.


    I was thinking maybe I can either install a new docker image of nextcloud and then literally copy everything from one instance to another? Would that work since the docker instance would have all the internal configuration for nextcloud itself?


    Or would installing the docker image to the same directories as before work without overwriting user data? Almost like an update?

  3. Hi all,

    Have been using unraid for a few months and have fallen in love with it! I already got a few people to start using it between friends and clients.

    Hopefully someone could point me in the right direction.

    My usb device failed and I of course have no backup.

    I rebuilt the boot device and successfully transferred over my key.

    I was able to rebuild the array and cache pool.

    I see my old docker images under the docker tab.


    Some of the docker images show updates are available but if i click that I get: 



    Configuration not found. Was this container created using this plugin?


    Some Docker images are unable to fetch the current version.

    If I go to the Apps tab from the Community Plugin and go to the "Previous Apps" section I get:


    No Matching Applications Found


    How badly am I screwed here? I have a VERY important nextcloud instance I want to save. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


    BTW this community is awesome I've been lurking a long time never had to ask for help before because this community is amazing with all the detailed posts and guides. You are appreciated!

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