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Posts posted by Xohoo

  1. Hi, I have some trouble getting local access to specific ports and would be really happy about some help:
    I'm piping a nginx docker through this docker through wireguard to a vps as connection point to the internet. This part works fine, but I can't manage to get access to the web interface of my local nginx docker any more, although I've mapped the port of nginx in the passthroughvpn docker and added it to the 'ADDITIONAL_PORTS'.

    The 'LAN_NETWORK' is set to the IP of my Unraid server (, I suppose that's correct?


    When I try to access the ui from within the tunnel via curl, it works, also, maybe the strangest part, from the unraid server curl also has access to the mapped port. From all other device in the network the connection times out.

    I tried passing through other dockers, no luck, also tried using the nzbgetvpn docker as vpn instead.

    I'm on Unraid 6.9.2. In the logs I didn't see anything suspicious, but here they are in any case.


    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks


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