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Posts posted by nikola

  1. 19 hours ago, coldwar7 said:

    Is anyone else getting this as their page? I didn't know about the repo move until today. I decided to just remove my image and get the latest but I still get this as my page. I didn't know if it was due to the template, the repo, or just me.


    EDIT: Apparently this was a cached data issue. I cleared my cache and cookies and I was able to access the site again.




    I am experiencing the same issue, but emptying browser cache and cookies didn't help. Also tried opening it from incognito mode in browser and still with same issue.


    Did you do any other steps beside clearing browser cache and cookies?



    I've just edited the docker and replaced Repository from jc5x/firefly-iii:latest to fireflyiii/core:latest

    After hitting the apply button everything was back to normal :)


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