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Posts posted by BalkanPete

  1. I've ruled out one more thing since my last post. 

    I had 2 containers on br0 custom network (Pihole and Unbound). Yesterday I stopped them, today my server crashed again. 

    I will stop some more, after the next restart to narrow down if they are the problem, but I doubt Ican find the rootcause this way. 


    If anyone has the slightest idea, don't hesitate to share. :)

  2. Hello Everyone!

    I put this system together not so long ago, and most of the stuff is running and I was able to troubleshoot. But sometimes it crashes, and can't figure out why. If anyone has an idea or can point me in some direction, I would be happy. 🙂

    Symptoms: webgui doesn't load, shares are unaccessable, fans are running.
    Since I have Pihole running on it, and my desktop and phone points to it as DNS server, the connection to the internet is not working on the said machines. If I leave it as it is, doesn't recover, after cold reboot everything start up fine (array, parity check, docker containers). Timing looks random. It happened usually the early morning hours, but happened also at 11:40.

    Uptime is also random, sometimes a week, sometimes it doesn't even reach 24h.


    Acer Q67H2-AM mobo with i3-2120

    6GB RAM: 2GB Kingmax + 4GB Crucial
    PSU: Cooler Master Elite Power 500W

    HDDs: 4x Samsung HD204UI 2TB


    What I ruled out:
    - no cache - > no mover
    - no Vm
    - RAM: memtest86 found no errors

    Syslog: doesn't show anything. (Crash happened between on 28th, 8:03 and 12:32.)

    Tried to capture with local syslog server and mirroring to the flash, but there is nothing suspicious.


    Once the stats tab was running in my browser on my desktop PC, when the crash happened. I saw very small activities on everything, so CPU, network and disk usage were barely visible on the graphs. The RAM showed the usual values, around 3 gigs used, around 2-300 MB free, the rest is cached, which should be normal in Linux based system afaik.


    From the Docker logfiles: I couldn’t find all the logs but I can post them, as I copied my whole appdata folder to my desktop after this crash.
    I checked the following dockers: Jellyfin, Jackett, Lidarr, NginxProxyManager, Ombi, Qbittorrent, Radarr, Readarr, Sonarr.
    I found, that the crash was between 8:03 and 12:30. The Ombi logfile had the last timestamp. Nothing suspicious was found, only normal sheduled tasks running successfully.

    I suspect a PSU fault, but I would like to rule out the SW side reasons. Currently I don't have a spare PSU to swap and test it.

    Any ideas are welcome. 🙂

    thebrain-diagnostics-20210828-1246.zip syslog-

  3. Thank you for both of you for hte feedbacks! Really appreciated!


    On 8/22/2021 at 12:57 PM, Michael_P said:

    Love a cheap build (my daily driver desktop is still an i7-2600), but that's a lot of ask for that CPU, and note you won't be able to pass any hardware to your VM without VT-d support

    I might not have been 100% clear, when originally posted. So I planned the feature addition in a step by step manner, hand in hand with the hardware upgrades. So the missing support is not a problem, as I plan to upgrade the CPU (+RAM) before I fire up a VM. Thankfully I'm not a masochist to run a Windows VM on such CPU. 😄 Luckily the horsepower is enough for now, since the only "realtime" service is media streaming. The rest of the stuff is not timecritical, and I'm not really keen on making everything instantly. So if Radarr scan or something takes couple minutes longer, I'm still perfectly happy with that.


    On 8/22/2021 at 5:27 PM, JonathanM said:

    You may be able to get it to function as a NAS only with 2GB, but version upgrades will have to be done manually, and I doubt you will be able to get the docker system running. VM's are a flat no.

    4GB is a bare minimum for basic functionality, 8GB if you want to play with a VM.

    Thanks for pointing out the possible problem with version upgrade, I was not considering this earlier!

    Since the original post I've already upgraded with +4 GB RAM. And you are absolutely right, 2 GB was enough for the basic operation. But after I added 1-2 Docker containers the system started to struggle, had some lock ups. VM is a long term goal, and RAM is easy to upgrade as my needs are increasing, and right now the 6 GB is enough. Definitely will add more later.

    More of a general update after the original post:

    I'm very happy with how the whole system turned out. It was very easy to set up the different parts despite my lack of deeper knowledge in networking, Linux and Docker. I used the different parts' documentation, this forum, SpaceInvader's and Ibracorp's videos and some reddit posts. Everything went so quickly and smoothly I'm honestly blown away.

    I encountered only 2 bigger issues: Qbittorrent's default gui port was in collison with something else. (Thankfully fixed by setting up some additional parameters based on a forum post here.) The second one is some mysterious system crashes (still under investigation).


    Already running containers:
    - Nextcloud + mariadb

    - Pihole + Unbound: This is a great thing to have! Even my browsing is noticeably faster without the lots of ads. And it was so quick to set up, I can't believe it.

    - Jellyfin: Instead of Plex. So far I'm happy with it. My reason to choose it over Plex is the free hardware transoding and free usage on Android device.

    - Radarr + Sonarr + Lidarr + Jackett + Bazarr + Ombi + Qbittorrent.

    - Calibre + Readarr: Not the most user friendly and intuitive things, but they do what they need.

    - DuckDNS + NginxProxyManager

    - Krusader, Grafana-Unraid-Stack, Calibreweb: only occasional use, not running 24/7.


    Running plugins:

    - Dynamix: File integrity, System information, System statistics, System temperature.

    - CA: Auto updater, Backup / Restore Appdata.

    - Nerd Tools, Open files, Tips and tweaks, unBalance, User scripts, Preclear.

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  4. Previous setup: A punny D-Link DNS-320L with 2x3 TB in RAID1. I didn’t really like the proprietary hardware and software, I’d like to know what happens behind the scenes. It was time anyway to up my backup game and I came across Unraid on Youtube, so here we are.

    My plan is deploy the D-Link NAS to my parents’ house, so I’ll have an offsite backup. Possibly replace/upgrade later that as well.


    Starting goals for Unraid server:

    • Reliable storage with parity
    • Deluge
    • VPN
    • Plex server for 1 user (1080p, mostly direct play), maybe 2 later.
    • Learning as much as possible about networking, Linux and Unraid.
    • Start as cheap as possible and upgrade when needed. Mainly becuase I’m cheap as hell, and also would like to see the limitations.


    Earlier last year I did a PC build to flip for fun and for some pocket money, and I was left with some parts lying around. So I had the PSU and the CPU + cooler. Built from there.









    OS at time of building: 6.9.2

    CPU: : i3-2120: $7: Got it with the mobo I flipped.

    Motherboard: Acer Q67H2-AM: $39: didn’t really want to go with a brand motherboard, but it has 6 SATA ports (2 of them are SATAIII), 4 RAM slots and was cheap. :D Also has standard ATX connectors, not some janky compatible-with-nothing kind of.

    RAM: Kingmax DDR3 2GB: $7: Could get it localy for a fair price, and it looks ridiculous with the rest of the system.

    Case: CoolerMaster Elite 370: $20

    Power Supply: Cooler Master Elite Power 500W: $20

    Fans: 1x 120mm Cooler Master, came with the case.

    Parity Drive: 2x Samsung HD204UI 2TB: 2x $38: good enough to start, later will upgrade as needed.

    Data Drives: 2x Samsung HD204UI 2TB: 2x $20

    Cache Drive: -

    Total Drive Capacity: 8TB (4TB usable)


    Unfortunatelly I don't have power figures due to lack of equipment.


    Originally I planned to use some banged up old case with 6/7 HDD slots, which I see going around for 7 bucks just to go with the theme. But the seller guy had some other parts very cheap, so I made a good deal overall, I’ll flip those anyway. Have to admit, this case is nice and will serve me for quite some time, as it is spacious, got 7 HDD slots + 3x 5.25” bays, bottom PSU and dust filters. I will replace the 5.25" covers, since one is missing.

    After I bought the HDD Chia hit my country as well, so every storage price went up quite substancially. I planned to add a 4-8 TB HDD for Media as a separate pool for files I can afford to lose. But these are going for quite insane prices right now, so I’ll delay this upgrade.
    So my starting setup, totalling around $209 + the small bits, cables and such + still need to buy the Unraid key, currently on trial.


    Planned features to add:

    • Pi-hole
    • Move my music and eBook collection in a meainingful way (Plex? + Calibre).
    • Personal cloud, maybe Nextcould.
    • Sonarr + Radarr + Lidarr
    • Later on a Windows VM for couch gaming, and such.
    • Automatic photo batch conversion, as I’m doing some photography work. Not sure about the software right now.


    Planned hardware upgrade path:

    RAM: I can imagine the 2 gig will run out very quickly.
    PSU: As the current one has only 4 SATA ports, and I don’t really like the idea of molex-SATA adapters. Maybe a semi passive one would be nice for noise reduction.
    SSDs: for dockers + cache, some cheapo 2.5” will be sufficient for a while.
    CPU cooler: Noise reduction again, not that the i3 puts out that much heat.
    CPU: as I will run Plex, I anticipate the need for more horsepower.
    HBA card: As I've seen motherboards with 6+ SATA ports are quite rare and expensive, so at some point a HBA card will be needed.

    Any idea and comment is really appriciated. 😉

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