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Steven Schulze

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Posts posted by Steven Schulze

  1. Hallo Amane,


    Leider habe ich noch keine Lösung dafür finden können.


    Ich gehe davon aus, dass man die "bzroot"-datei decompilen muss, um dann etwas fest ein zu Bauen wie die Utf-8 sprachgrundlage in linux, unter slackware gibt es anscheinend ein paket dafür.


    Ich hatte mich damit nicht mehr beschäftigt, da meine Abiturs Prüfungen vor der Tür stehen und ich es wichtiger fand zu Lernen.


    Was ein Dilemma, ich möchte im Bereich Informatik Arbeiten, mach aber ein Abitur Im Sozialwesen.


    Ich hab in den nächsten vier Tagen Abschlussprüfungen, daher verzeihe es mir wenn nicht antworte.


    Gruß Steven

  2. Hallo, I'm new to this forum but I've been using Unraid since version 6.9.2 and I really like the Unraid system and I encountered the same problem as you describe here in this thread.


    I would like to share my research with you!

    First, I would like to mention that I run two Unraid servers, with Unraid OS Version 6.11.5. The servers have a Wireguard connection to each other, my Main Server is connected with LTE to the Internet and my Backup is connected to DSL/G. Fast, don´t ask why, it´s like that! Also, the distance between the two servers is round ~300km.


    but now to my results

    weirdcrap wrote the following:


    “What I don't think it is: I don't think my issue is with WireGuard or my ISP speeds on either end. While the transfer is crawling along over SSH at sub-par speeds I can easily browse to  NODE over WireGuard from my Windows or Mac computer and pick any file to copy over the tunnel and I can fully saturate the sending servers upload with no issues while SSH is choking in the background:”


    weirdcrap has right when he writes that the problem is not Wireguard or the ISP, but if Wireguard is not causing the problem, what is causing the problem? when we look at the structure how we want it to transfer the data, is Wireguard as a first layer for protection, we want it that Wireguard encrypt our data, Wireguard does this!!!


    in the tunnel then, works a combination of both programs and protocols Rsync and SSH. Normally the combination of Rsync and SSH is not the problem, especially in local use, since Rsync has no encryption. but SSH is not the most efficient protocol and here I come to the cause of our problem, because SSH or sftp (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is not the best option for transferring data, especially large data! Yes, SSH have a encryption but not efficient enough for transfer Large Data, this can be used as an additional security option, with the disadvantage of poor transmission.


    My solution was that I identified SSH as a possible cause of the problem! but wait a minute if you don't use SSH, SMB, FTP how does you transfer data! this is a legitimate question and the answer to it is "rsync as daemon"! All protocols like SSH, SMB, FTP produce a large overhead that is added to the packets, which means that Wireguard or our eth0 or similar has to split the packets, that's not good because it affects the performance negatively!


    so, I have running “rsync as daemon” on my backup server. The setup is super easy and you can secure the daemon with appropriate arguments.

    I used the following guide:

     1. How to Set Up an Rsync Daemon on Your Linux Server


    2. How to Use Rsync to Copy/Sync Files Between Servers


    3. Rsync Manuel Page


    The instructions are for Ubuntu, but it also works with Unraid without any problems!👍


    my configs on backup site:


    User script: Rsync-Daemon-Autostart 

    cp /boot/rsync-config/rsyncd.conf /etc/
    cp /boot/rsync-config/rsyncd.secrets /etc/
    sleep 1s
    chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.conf
    chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.secrets
    sleep 1s
    rsync –daemon



    pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
    lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
    log file = /var/log/rsync.log
    port = *****
    path = /path/to/your/data
    comment = blabla
    read only = false
    write only = false
    auth users = rsync
    hosts allow = x.x.x.x, x.x.x.x
    hosts deny = *
    secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
    timeout = 300





    You can use the instructions in the Guides and the Manuel page from rsync for more information.


    my script at Main site:

    PORT=[PORT of the Daemon]
    # preparations
    # the cache is transferred to the disks
    # Reset the wg connection
    wg-quick down [your WG-interface-Name] && wg-quick up [your WG-interface-Name]
    # wait until everything is done
    sleep 60s
    count=$( ping -c 5 $BACKUP_SERVER| grep icmp* | wc -l )
    if [ $count -eq 5 ]
    		echo "1" $(date "+%d.%m.%Y - %T") "on"
    		echo "BACKUP SHARE1"
    		rsync -rtauvPh --stats --password-file=$U_PASS $SHARE1/* rsync://$USER@$BACKUP_SERVER:$PORT/SHARE1/
    		echo "Pause 15s"
    		sleep 15s
    		… #for more, the command can be used multiple times
    		echo "0" $(date "+%d.%m.%Y - %T") "OFF"



    I think that was it, today I have Transfer Data for 8 hours with full Bandwidth without slow down!


    I've been working on this solution for 3 months, I hope you can reproduce my results!


    Sorry for my bad English!


    Regards from Germany


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  3. Hi Guys,


    I'm new to this forum but I've been using Unraid since version 6.9.2 and I really like the Unraid system, but I have a problem with the umlauts that we use in Germany, for example Ä, Ö, Ü and ß.


    I transfer all my data from a windows pc (with German config) to my Unraid via SMB, sometimes I have the above letters in the filenames, now when I access the data again via SMB the above letters are displayed correctly. However, when I access the data in the terminal or via WinSCP, the letters are not displayed correctly because en_US.UTF-8 does not understand these characters. it's the same when I copy my data to my Unraid-Backup with Rsync, then the en_US.UTF-8 wrong spelling of the umlauts is taken over to the filenames.


    maybe it is possible, the Unraid developers to draw attention on this problematic.


    I hope that someone can help me to change Unraid from en_US.UTF-8 to de_DE.UTF-8 format.


    That would be super nice, if someone could help me with my problem.


    Sorry for my bad English


    Regards from Germany


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