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David Stein

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Posts posted by David Stein

  1. I'll be the first to admit I don't 100% understand docker container networking, but before a few days ago I had a setup that was working fine since early September.


    I have nginx proxy manager running on the bridge network, and it seems to be handling requests from the wider internet just fine. If I disable the proxy host for overseerr, then my custom domain returns a "You are logged off" page. When I re-enable it, I get a 502 Bad Gateway page. 


    However, when I am on my internal network (whether its from a VM on the unraid server or another device on the network), I can access overseerr from the same IP address and port that nginx proxy manager is supposed to be accessing.


    Which leads me to believe the problem is in the network NPM is on (bridge) can't access the network that overseerr is on (bro). But I don't know that would have stopped working. Neither NPM nor overseerr have had an update recently, nor has unraid (I am running 6.10.0-rc2 and have been since within a few days of its release because I am a savage). Host Access to Custom Networks under Settings->Docker is enabled, and has been.


    Am I thinking about this right? is there something else I should be checking? Does anyone know what I need to do to get this running again? 

  2. I've tried to poke around (here, YouTube, general googling) but haven't found anything that is quite what I am looking for.


    I'm new to unRAID, but have managed to set up a server with plex, the *arrs, Sabnzbd, and a couple other dockers. And everything is more or less working (with containers either on the br0 network or using host networking). But now I want to make it so that Overseerr is reachable from outside my network, and I know that means a reverse proxy, but that is the point where I run up against my own ignorance.


    I'm pretty sure that the answer lies in better understanding how I should be setting up the networking between docker containers. Also, along with that, I have picked up a little bit about how I could/should use vlans to provide a little more security between my docker containers and the unraid system/rest of my internal network since I will now be exposing some ports to the greater internet and I'd love to actually understand that. 


    So does anyone know of a resource that starts at the basics and works its way up to typical unRAID use cases, or do I need to just keep piecing together small bits of info until I finally get the whole?

  3. Hello All,


    I hope since this thread was recently topped you will not mind if I add a question of my own. I am a new convert to unRAID/docker with its main function being a plex server. Server has a i5-11600K (no PCIe graphics card), I am using unRAID 6.10.0-rc1, and I am using the binhex version of plex running PMS I know from reading this and other threads on the unRAID and plex forums that I am playing with fire by using Rocket Lake, an rc unRAID version, and the latest version of plex. My thought was that things are moving very quickly and maybe I'd get lucky and the HW transcoding would be fixed in the newest versions.


    And to some degree, I think some parts were easier. I didn't have to do anything to have the integrated GPU drivers to install (thats now part of 6.10.0) and I only had to add /dev/dri as a device in my binhex-plex docker container for it to be passed properly to the container (see uploaded screenshot for unraid terminal window commands /dev/dr ls -ltr and docker exec -it binhex-plex ls -lh /dev/dri).


    But hardware decoding is not working for me, and not just on 4K HDR transcodes but also 1080 h.264 files. As so much of the info out there is now a few months old or for other hardware my question is: Is the general consensus that this is something I can possibly fix right now (by switching repositories to linuxserver.io or other, or editing the right files/running the right script, or using the right version of PMS), or is it that I need to sit tight for plex to support Rocket Lake processors properly? 


    Screen Shot 2021-08-18 at 10.30.56 AM.png

  4. Hello All,


    New user here, trying to get things set up before I start moving data from a windows machine. Thought I would go ahead and try 6.10.0-rc1 (yolo) on a brand new system. Everything seemed to install properly, I could see my drives (1 8TB mechanical, 2 nvme SSDs for cache drives) and was able to run a read check on the mechanical HDD yesterday, but the default user shares are not being generated when the array is started. Googling and searching the forum made it seem like the usual reason for this problem is disks are formatted but it looks to me like the drives are formatted. I've tried to simplify things, using only the one 8TB mechanical drive and no cache pools but still no dice. Edit: there is a disk share (and it has shown up from the beginning), let me add that screenshot.


    It's probably something dumb, but I've very quickly reached my limits of my linux and googling skills.

    main tab unraid.png


    shares tab unraid.png

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