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Posts posted by TecEgg

  1. i have already found my topic while browsing, but unfortunately i have not been able to find a solution yet. I am now using the container on different systems and still can't log in with the standard credentials (guacadmin/guacadmin). 

    Does anyone have an idea? 





    usermod: no changes


    User UID: 99

    User GID: 100


    Creating properties from template.

    Updating user permissions.

    2024-05-07 21:46:16,162 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded

    2024-05-07 21:46:16,163 INFO supervisord started with pid 24

    2024-05-07 21:46:17,166 INFO spawned: 'guacd' with pid 25

    2024-05-07 21:46:17,168 INFO spawned: 'tomcat' with pid 26

    guacd[25]: INFO: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.5.4 started

    guacd[25]: INFO: Listening on host, port 4822

    2024-05-07 21:46:18,183 INFO success: guacd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

    2024-05-07 21:46:18,183 INFO success: tomcat entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)



  2. Hey hey,


    4 hours ago, z0ki said:

    Same problem. Did you happen to fix this? 


    Yes. I deleted all browser data. Cookies etc. Then it worked for me. But after a few connections the problem came again so I decided to choose another tool to connect over VNC. 


  3. Hey there,


    I configured a VM in Unraid with VNC mode. If I connect with Guacamole I can reach the VM and use it like a charm.


    But when I try to connect with it through the Unraid Dashboard and the NoVNC Tool I get following Error in the sys.log:



    Feb 22 16:11:32 TecMachine nginx: 2022/02/22 16:11:32 [error] 8875#8875: *118808 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream, client:, server: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.unraid.net, request: "GET //wsproxy/5700/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.unraid.net" 




    Can anybody help?




  4. Hey there,


    today i wanted to start to install a win VM. After install the virtio driver i can choose my drive to create a new one where I install the VM. After i click on "new" the VM is freezing and go to status "paused". In sys.log from the host there is following error:


    emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdc


    If I try to resume the VM it won't start. The problem appears also when I try to install Ubuntu or any other OS and I try to format the vdisk. 


    I Hope anybody can help! :) 



  5. On 8/24/2021 at 8:56 AM, MCT said:

    Am having an issue on 6.10.0 rc1 

    Wouldn't connect on login, so I deleted. Now I’m setting up again and it just sits there with wheels spinning 




    Have exact the same problem... any ideas? 

  6. On 8/27/2021 at 6:18 AM, SpyKiIIer said:

    When I attempt to use H265Size, it is looking for an init.sh file in the output directory. What should that be?


    chmod: cannot access '/mnt/user/temp/output/init.sh': No such file or directory



    have the same problem - the directory is created but the container will not create the init.sh on its own. Any ideas? 

  7. Hey there,


    I just configured 3 6TB HDD's and one 512GB NVME as cache. One of the 6TB HDD is the parity drive.


    Now i recognize that the 2nd Drive is always in sleep mode. The 1st and the parity drive seems to be always active, even if i try to spin down the drives, they will always start few seconds later. I already checked with plugins "open files" and "file activity" if there is any access to the data, but it itsnt. For testing i deactivate Docker and VM. 


    I want to use Unraid in the best practice way, so i think the array should only the cold-storage method, so that they only spin up during the night when the cache is moving to it. But how?


    Would be nice if you can give me any tips. :)



  8. On 3/19/2021 at 9:30 PM, sonic6 said:

    What i have to do, for using "discard=async"?


    On 3/20/2021 at 8:42 AM, JorgeB said:

    Nothing other than upgrading to v6.9.x.


    Where can i verify this on the system? Can't find the option for this. Btw, using 6.10 now. Is the dynamics trim plugin just not needed, or can it cause problems if it installed on the newer Unraid versions? Maybe because of the own trim operation is colliding with the ones from the plugin? 

  9. I know this post was a while ago, but I have a similar question.


    My VMs are currently stored on the cache and periodically moved to the array via mover. Now it bothers me that as long as the data has been moved I have to make the huge performance losses. Also, every time I look up something in a VM, the HDD starts up again. So the question, can I use a separate SSD (no cache, no array) as the main directory for the VM, and optionally the appdata folder for Docker containers, so that this is always preserved, and the mover mirrors the data with the array and this SSD? 


    So access is via the SSD every time and the array is used as cold storage?


  10. Hey guys


    I am fairly new to Unraid and am currently trying to set up a Windows 10 VM. 

    After several forum posts, I was able to figure out that Windows requires quite a few drivers. Now, after loading the necessary driver for mounting the drive via virtio.iso during the installation, the installation took place. Now Windows is installed and I wanted to continue with the rest of the drivers. I have successfully completed the .msi virtio installation. Additionally I installed the guest tools, but the LAN driver does not work. No network interface is detected.

    Is it possibly due to the (still) incompatible hardware? I am using an i5 11600 on a B560M-A PRO. I was hoping that at least in 6.10 the kernel would be compatible. On 6.9.2, the network driver worked, but the iGPU did not pass through. Therefore, I thought it would be useful to upgrade to the beta here.


    In the device manager "Red Hat VirtIO Ethernet Adapter" is marked with an exclamation mark. However, it doesn't find any more recent drivers when I search for the driver in the Virtio iso.


    Any tips? Be gracious, this is kind of my first post.



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