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Posts posted by Skyshroud

  1. 4 hours ago, Dyon said:

    Very odd. Nothing has changed to the container since February. Iy only auto-updates / rebuilds whenever a new Jackett version has been released (which fixes indexing trackers). Nevertheless, I will investigate and look into what could be wrong.


    Which Unraid version are you running @Skyshroud and @xcsascii?


    Good morning! I am running Version 6.10.3.

  2. Good evening all, I am currently experiencing the same issue as @xcsascii. Been running strong for over a year and the most recent update I performed on the the container seems to have broken it. Starting to work through the troubleshooting steps now.


    Edit: After changing the repo to 'dyonr/jackettvpn:dev' and creating the RESTART_CONTAINER variable, the issue is even worse. The port mapping doesn't complete and I can't access the WebUI or logs to view what's going on with the container.


    10 hours ago, mkono87 said:

    What is the best way to test to make sure traffic is actually going through the vpn on this container?


    The method I use is opening the console of the docker and use the following command to see the IP address that the container has:

    dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com

    If it's your own public IP, the VPN is not functioning. I have never had issues with binhex containers NOT using the VPN if you've configured it correctly.

  4. On 11/6/2021 at 2:39 AM, ich777 said:

    I think I don't understand what you mean by that.

    Do you want to use it at the same time in a VM and in a container, if yes this is not possible since if you hand it over to a VM the VM has full access and control over the card and is basically not available on the host, so to speak unRAID.


    Anyways it is possible that you use it in a container when the VM is turned off but very bad things can happen when you turn on a VM while it is used in a container or a VM is using the card and a container wants to use the cards.

    VM crashes, Docker crashes and even what's more likely to happen is that the server entirely locks up.


    That's why I don't recommending using one card for VM and Docker.

    There is nothing I can do about that since this is a limitation of the hardware/software and not the drivers or the plugin itself.


    I figured as much - just thought I would ask... wishful thinking, I suppose.


    Thank you very much for your reply, and for all of the hard work you do here. It is greatly appreciated.

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  5. Hey Dyon, great work on this container. Minor suggestion - would it be possible to roll the DNSUtils package (or at least the portion of it that allows "dig" to work) so that we can validate that we are pulling an IP address associated with our VPN via the container console window? If this is not appropriate or there is a better way to do this, please let me know - still learning here as well. I just want to make sure that I am never leaking my public IP address with this container.

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