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Posts posted by deltoran

  1. On 5/8/2023 at 1:17 PM, Drezin said:

    Hi All,


    I hope you can help me,


    I have been running Kavita on my server now through docker on unraid for a little over a  year.  It seems that every time an update comes out for it it wipes out the wh ole server. Users, directories to books, comics, and I  have to go in and re setup things again.  Is this a normal problem or is there a way to fix this?  This just happened with the latest release and the previous one. 


    Any help is appreciated very much.







    I had the same issue with it wiping my library/user settings with every update


    Make sure you set a "Data Directory" in the container settings

    I set mine to /mnt/user/appdata/Kavita/


    My guess is if you don't set the data directory then it stores the files in the docker image that gets wiped when you update

  2. Hi there,


    I was wondering if someone could help me out here.


    The Default folder for the user folder looks like it is coming from the set /config directory 

    Is this working as intended or how to I get it to pick up from /data instead


    Any help would be greatly appreciated





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