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Posts posted by madaroda

  1. Latest update to swag appears to have blocked secure access to all my installed dockers. I can access the dockers locally via http://IP address:port, but https://anydocker.mydomain.com asks for a user name and password, none of which are accepted and result in a "403 forbidden" error. Thinking it may be related to a previous htpasswd configuration, I reinstalled swag (copying over only the proxy-conf files I am using and the entire dns-conf directory to the new installation). Still no access. I don't have an .htaccess file in config/nginx. Where do I being to look for a fix? I am stumped.

  2. I've set up Letsencrypt/nginx wildcard on an unraid docker with my own domain.  Letsencrypt certificates appear to download fine. I've got sonarr, radarr and a few more subdomains edited and renamed in proxy-confs. Letsencrypt docker opens and ends in "Server ready." Domain.me and anything.domain.me resolve to correct IP.


    But nothing opens. https://sonarr.domain.me et all are unable to establish a connection to the server, even though sonarr.domain.me pings correctly (to the WAN address). I suspect a config issue, but where?

  3. Terrific work, djoss. I predict this will soon be the go-to certificate manager in unraid.


    Questions: How would a wildcard certificate be assembled through the proxy manager? How would we go about making the LetsEncrypt cert self-renewing?


    Edit: Just found that Lets Encrypt wild cards don't work yet. Hope that comes soon.

  4. I configured the Let's Encrypt (nginx) docker with nzbget, organizr, sonarr, radarr, etc. dockers using my own domain. I can access all of those apps using https (https://nzbget.mydomain.com). 


    But . . . I have lost access to the Unraid GUI. I get a 500 error on the GUI, and a "/etc/nginx/htpasswd" failed (13: Permission denied)" error in /var/log/nginx/error.log. I am trying to enter the GUI locally using http. I can SS=H into unraid, and all the docker apps are accessible. Just not the front end.



  5. What a terrific utility. Thank you. I cleared 7 out of 8 warnings/errors.


    Still have one warning I can't seem to fix:


    Share futbol has non-standard permissions set
    The permission on the share is currently set to 2777 (standard permissions are 0777). You may have trouble accessing this share locally and/or over the network due to this issue. You should run the New Permissions tool to fix this issue. (Don't know what these numbers mean? Look HERE NOTE that if this is your appdata share then you will need to manually run the command to fix this. Ask for assistance on the forums.


    The share is not the appdata share. Running the "New Permissions" tool did not fix the warning. Running "chmod 0777 /mnt/user/futbol" in terminal did not fix the warning.


    Should I just click "Ignore Warning", or is this somethng fixable?

  6. I'm not 100% sure why rsync is having trouble, but here's a few things you can try. You can add -n to do a dry run this will tell you what needs to be transfered still. You can also make rsync more verbose which should help you troubleshoot it. -vvv will give you more information (too much IMO, but might help you figure out what is causing rsync to hang)


    Thanks gundamguy. Verbosity did the trick. I noticed it got stuck on a certain, non-vital, directory. I deleted it and rebooted. Back to a peaceful rsync.

  7. I followed this thread quite closely. Before even starting the RFS to XFS copy, I set move to a monthly schedule, to be invoked next in 30 days. I also shut down docker. I have no backups going into unraid and no plug-ins installed. I am using Beta 13 (did not run into the cache format bug).


    I was able to get about 2TB of a 3TB RFS drive copied to a 3TB drive using screen and this command: "rsync -av --progress --remove-source-files /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk3/"


    But then the process stopped, and all disks stopped spinning for more than an hour. So I shut down the screen session and started again using the same command. It never restarted and the screen is now stuck at


    sending incremental file list



    That's what the screen has looked like for a couple of hours.


    How to finish?

  8. Thanks Squid. Just about an hour ago I decided to give Binhex's Plex a try, and following the directions here, it went installed without a hitch.



    Post a screenshot of your XML screen (ie - click on the words PlexMediaServer).  Also, where it says either "up for xxx hours" or "Exited xx ago," Click on that and post what it says.

  9. Excellent guide, thank you. Everything works for me, until the end. The WebUI ( never opens, no matter how long I wait.


    This is a basic UNRAID beta 12 install with nothing else added. In installing, I created a share called "docker" and made it cache-only. I installed the image file (docker.img) in that share. I created an "apps" folder within the docker share for containers, and put Plex at /mnt/user/docker/apps/plexmediaserver.





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