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Posts posted by cryptonyk

  1. 2 hours ago, binhex said:

    why not a cron job to do a 'docker restart <container name>' on the host?, should be just as effective.


    Yah, that's fair.  It's running on kubernetes, so more complicated than a cron on the host, but I'm sure there's a way to do it.  I agree though, that it shouldn't be part of the image.

  2. First, thank you for the image.  I've been running it flawlessly for years.


    I've noticed that deluge can get itself into a state where it looks like it's running:  it downloads, unarchives, webUI is up and running, and torrents show Announce OK.  But I get hit-and-run warnings from my sites.  I've tried investigating a couple of times, but the answer always seems to be "kill deluge pid".  The watchdog starts it back up again and all the warnings go away.

    I know the "right" thing to do is figure out why it's hanging, but the reality is that a simple feature to restart the process every month would basically solve the problem for me.  

    So, feature request:  Accept a docker param that specifies a cron string that restarts the process at a certain interval.


    Thanks for considering it and thanks again for the image!

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