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Posts posted by stolat01

  1. I recently removed and replaced a disk from my array that had growing UDMA_CRC_ERROR_Count.  With the disk now unassigned I could dispose it.  Instead I thought I'd replace the SATA cable, run a pre-clear, learn a few things, and decide what to do afterwards. 


    The disk did not complete pre-clear.  It appears like it had no I/O at all.   Is this what a pre-clear fail is supposed to look like?


    Here's a portion of the log file: 

    Nov 06 11:10:41 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-read: pre-read verification started 5 of 5 retries...
    Nov 06 11:10:41 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Continuing disk read from byte 124670705664
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.101 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: dd: error reading '/dev/sdf': Input/output error
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records in
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.101 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: dd: error reading '/dev/sdf': Input/output error
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records in
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.101 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: dd: error reading '/dev/sdf': Input/output error
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records in
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.101 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: dd: error reading '/dev/sdf': Input/output error
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records in
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.101 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: dd: error reading '/dev/sdf': Input/output error
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records in
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.102 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: dd: error reading '/dev/sdf': Input/output error
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records in
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.102 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: dd: error reading '/dev/sdf': Input/output error
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records in
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0+0 records out
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-Read: dd output: 0 bytes copied, 246.102 s, 0.0 kB/s
    Nov 06 11:15:00 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: Pre-read: pre-read verification failed!
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: Error:
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.:
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: ATTRIBUTE                  INITIAL    NOW    STATUS
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: Reallocated_Sector_Ct      0          -
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: Power_On_Hours             24668      -
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: Temperature_Celsius        33         -
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: Reallocated_Event_Count    0          -
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: Current_Pending_Sector     0          -
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: Offline_Uncorrectable      0          -
    Nov 06 11:15:02 preclear_disk_S377J9FGA01094_634: S.M.A.R.T.: UDMA_CRC_Error_Count       439        -

  2. Now I'm down to getting the local display to be responsive again.  I know it works but the OS is not displaying a local GUI at this time.  While I am able to remotely access my server, I continue to just end up with the local display as a non-responsive blank screen with a blinking curser in the upper left. The only command that generates activity on the local display is the shutdown command (CTRL-ALT-DEL). Meanwhile, I can remotely access the OS GUI no problem (thank you, again).


    On boot the display works. I can still modify BIOS using my keyboard and mouse or l observe that the system continues into Unraid boot selection menu where it is set to UNRAID OS GUI MODE. From there it runs through a bunch of command lines and then the array is up and running. The local display, however, goes blank except for a cursor and then does not respond further to the keyboard.  At this point I can remotely access the server but not directly access the server  with the local keyboard and mouse.  Not as troubling as before I had remote access but I would like to have local access in the event it is needed. 


    I don't see what is preventing the OS from showing the GUI on the local display as it did before.  What should I look at for this?



  3. Folks, I'm stuck, frustrated, and need guidance. I'm surrounded by information overload.  I've attached today's diagnostic log as I know that is often the starting point for next steps.


    Here's my problem: My UNRAID server has progressively become less functional.

    - I can no longer access my server GUI either locally or remotely.  I can't even access my music or the drives it serves to other devices in my network.


    My server problems progressed as follows below, but essentially started with the GUI:

    - For well over a year my UNRAID server worked fine. I accessed the GUI remotely via my desktop and the server remained headless. I enjoyed using UNRAID.  

    - Then one day the remote GUI would no longer work/respond.  So I purchased a monitor and accessed the GUI locally from my server.  I thought I could figure this out and restore the remote GUI. No such luck.

    - Months later, the remote GUI issue still unsolved, the local GUI stopped working also.  My server data and apps remained accessible. I spent time learning how to figure out the problem but there is only so much time and ran into dead ends.  Learning the hard way.

    - Months after that, all the above, then only server data was accessible. No music.  I'm not even able to enjoy my music.

    - Now, all I can do is boot to the UNRAID command line and run diagnostics. I could use some pointers.



    I appreciate your guidance.



  4. I do see an error message.  Here's what I see when I Choose Inspect/Console

    Error: No ack for postMessage

    getServer in https://account.unraid.net in 2000ms

       hn [***]

       hn [***]

       ue [***]

    Cookie has been rejected as third party


    There was also this message in a pop-up:


    "Unfortunately Firefox in Unraid's OS gui mode causes issues with the webgui communicating with this popup window. Please use an alternative client to access the webgui to interact with this account"


    Does this help? Sorry, I can't see how to I save a log file. And when I think I did, I can't see where it was saved or what it was named.


  5. I have been unable to get Remote Access working again and when I sign in from my webgui I get a lengthy message.  All my certificates and software updates are current as of today as far as I can see. My SSL Certificate is valid  and I have two-factor authorization set up as well.  The message that posts when I use my webgui to attempt a sign in to My Servers so I can then enable Remote Access via Settings/Management Access/My Servers is as follows:


    "Failed to receive message from your Unraid server. You must access this page from your unraid server. You didn't say the magic word. Registration must be started from your Unraid webgui. If you did and you received this message please contact support"



    When I run Unraid-api report-v here's what it says:

    Server Name: BigDaddy

    Environment: production

    Unraid Version 6.11.5

    Unraid API version 2.55.1

    Unraid API Status: running

    API Key: Invalid

    My Servers: signed out


       Status [error[


       Status: Disconnected

       error :API disconnected




      Allowed origins:



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