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Posts posted by Rushtallica

  1. There's a video by Spaceinvader One called the best way to install and setup a Windows 10 VM as a daily driver or a gaming VM that I found very helpful. 

    I ended up doing this method last night, though I already had a Windows 10 install on an NVME for a while and so didn't need to create an initial Windows bare metal install. I just followed the rest of the video.   


    I did have some strange audio issues soon after, though I upgraded to the newest NVidia driver (I have a 1080 ti passed through), and so far it's working fine. 👨🏽‍🔧  I made sure to install the Virtio drivers from the E: drive as he does in this video, though I slowed that part of the video down to 25% to see what he had sped up, and I probably still wouldn't have figured it out if I didn't stop the video at points, go back, and try to see it again, but that was the part that included the ethernet and I think another related driver or two. It was probably even more simple to do the install while looking on my regular Windows install/PC on a separate monitor next to the one connected to the Unraid server.  


    I also had good luck passing through my NVidia GPU by following some of Spaceinvader One's videos about passing through a GPU as well as one by someone else that explained very well how to grab the Vbios of the card and cut out the header from it that prevents it from being useful for passthrough. It may be that this is only needed for a GPU if it's in the primary PCIe slot, and cutting the header out I think is only necessary for NVidia GPU's. 




  2. 16 minutes ago, trurl said:

    I merged them into the thread with the most responses


    Thank you so much! :)    It's possible I may have botched things up about as badly as they can be barring equipment failures. :D  But I hope maybe some of this could help someone else having problems, too. 


    1 hour ago, Hoopster said:

    The *.key file is stored in the config folder on the flash drive.  If there is no *.key file you should be able to get it from a backup of the config folder or through the original registration email. 


    Thank you! I found a mention of the key and downloaded it from myservers and put it in the config portion of the USB drive after I recreated it and just now started the parity check. So I'll kind of have mandatory time away from it for a while today. :D    Thanks so much again! 

  3. 1 hour ago, trurl said:

    Yes that's quite a mess you created. Maybe I could merge all that into this thread so everyone that might want to respond can all do it together in one place instead of wasting their time with the same ideas already posted in other threads.


    There is a good reason crossposting has been considered bad manners on message boards since before the world wide web.


    Thank you so much.  My challenge now is that I'm using the same USB trying to reinstall, and it takes me to the registration page and doesn't recognize this USB is already registered.     Is there a way to fix that?   Thank you.

  4. 23 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Do you know how you got that to work before? Or did someone else set that up for you? Probably you just need to work out the IOMMU group to get that working on your new mobo.


    Hi. I got everything working before, overrode ACS with Both, etc., and am familiar with troubleshooting and putting together things such as Hackintosh setups., \ though I'll definitely admit to ignorance regarding messing with cache pools, and I normally wouldn't have posted multiple threads but really could not find much info and tried the troubleshooting recommendations (I did end up fixing an 84C temp problem by rolling back to 6.9.2, and I really appreciate the ideas; thanks to each person for posting them :) ). 


    I then reinstalled my original motherboard and set it the same way it was, checking iommu groups several times and trying numerous VM's and methods, but it would no longer pass through a GPU.  I believe I completely messed it up in adding a second cache drive and in trying to divide cache pools to give more for VM's on one.     I've been messing with this to a degree or other for a few days and for about the last 15 hours straight and finally gave up and deleted all my drives and will start from scratch.  Hopefully I'll get it going again on the new setup from scratch.  Thanks again for your reply and to the others.  It is really appreciated. :) 

  5. Hi. I have a highly messed up setup and have even put back in my old motherboard and still can't pass through GPU as I used to be able to before making the major mistakes of adding a second cache drive and 'upgrading' my motherboard.  It seems that changing motherboards has really messed things up and the info seems to save and is mixed up between motherboards. 


    All I can think of to try is to revert to a previous 'save' of this same flash drive when things worked.   Is there a way to recreate it with the save?    Or is there any way to get the system to recognize only the current motherboard?     I'm sorry I've posted another thread, but I've already asked if there is a way to start over with everything deleted but keeping my registered USB, but I still don't know.    I appreciate any help. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    This is a problem with 6.10.0 RC2.  Other users have reported that with this release, NVMe temps are showing 84C (same temp for everyone).  Rolling back to prior version makes that go away.  It is not clear if that is an erroneously reported temperature or if something in RC2 is actually causing the NVMe to get that hot.



    Thanks so much for that info!     I'm having other issues, too, and am seeing major heavy reads and writes and think it could be the real temp on mine.  But I wonder if 6.10.0 RC2 could possibly be related to the temp and other problems I've been seeing since installing this particular motherboard.  Thanks so much again for your reply! :)

  7. I guess I should still ask, is a way to just restart everything from scratch while keeping my paid key?    Thanks for any reply.   I guess my next step is to reinstall my old motherboard.


    EDIT: One thing I'm wondering, I did set the second drive to xfs format instead of btrfs file format (that the first/original cache SSD has) when I installed it, though I don't know if that might possibly cause these types of problems.   And it's 40 degrees C immediately after rebooting with no VM running.


    And trying to boot into the Windows VM has the same problem with not booting up, and it's showing 32,000 reads and 4500 writes now on the drive, and showing the error again /var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)

  8. When I got the motherboard/Asus X570, it wouldn't boot into Unraid.   I had deleted security keys and set boot option to other OS. Then I found a post mentioning deleting the hyphen from the EFI- folder, making it EFI instead. That let me boot in UEFI mode. But I wonder if not being in legacy mode in part of the problem.     I just noticed when clicking on the flash drive in Unraid that there's a choice that was ticked for booting into UEFI.  I unticked it and then went into the USB on my Windows PC and edited the EFI folder to again show EFI-, and so far it's let me boot and then I passed through my GPU and installed NVidia drivers on a Windows 11 VM.   I've been able to do this before but then failed afterward, but it's the first time I've been able to boot into Unraid in legacy mode.  I'm hopeful for the moment, anyway. :D   Will report back in a bit. Thanks again.

  9. I had deleted the VM's and have since created another but hadn't tried to pass it through yet.    I'm wondering if it's something I did in moving files after I added the other cache drive -- or if it's how the new motherboard is working with Unraid.    I wonder if it's possible a misplaced file would fill up the drive when trying to pass through the GPU. 

  10. Hi. Is there a simple way to just erase all drives and start from scratch without losing my paid registration?     I do have a backup, but there was information on it from my old motherboard/setup, though it was working.


    I'm now unable to boot VM's with passthrough, no troubleshooting has helped, and I also get the error "/var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)" that I seem to notice occasionally AFTER I have an unsuccessful boot into a VM and then try to restart it again.


    I followed advice on a post elsewhere but still no fix, and I believe I just messed up badly in choice of motherboard 'upgrade' (Asus X570 Strix-e, wanting the 8 sata ports) and/or royally messed it up in my limited understanding of how to add a second cache drive/pool and moving things around to try and make the second one work for VM's. I'm having no luck with my searches and troubleshooting so far.


    If I thought it would work again, I'd just reinstall my old motherboard, but I made a lot of changes with putting in the second cache drive since then.    Thanks for any possible help.




  11. Hi. Is there a nuke option/ way to just erase everything and get to the original template? Like would reinstalling an older flash drive save put back the original configuration I had if I remove the current second cache drive as it was before with just one? I'd really like to get the VM part of things working with this new mobo if possible. I just want to make sure I don't make things worse in suddenly unmounting the second cache drive to try this. Thanks for any reply. 





    * I had things going pretty well with a previous mobo, a B550. I 'upgraded' to an x570 because it had 8 sata ports, but I had no idea Asus motherboards won't easily boot in legacy mode (I've tried deleting all secure keys, setting to 'other OS' in BIOS, etc, and could only get it to boot by setting the flash drive's EFI- folder to EFI without the dash, but it boots in UEFI mode vs legacy -- which I'm not sure if is part of the problem I'm having with VM's not booting now with GPU passthrough except sometimes only upon creating it, then VM's won't boot up again after restarting.


    This is the error I get when restarting after a failed VM boot: "Unable to write to file /var/log/libvirt/qemu/Windows 11.1.log: No space left on device"


    Additionally, I believe I really messed up in trying to add a second cache drive primarily for VM's as I was swapping motherboards and tried to use Krusader to move things around to accommodate the new cache drive and haven't been able to figure out how to fix it, and should have spent more time researching first. Sometimes I learn the harder way. :facepalm:  

  12. I tried replacing the sections but couldn't get it to work. But I ended up getting both garuda and Windows 11 to work late last night by only adding the multifunction part. Then this morning they won't show up again, and the keyboard number lock button won't work, though the setting is still the same as last night with the multifunction parts still in the edit.


    I then created a new Pop OS install, and it loaded up, let me install updates, etc., then when I powered the VM down and then tried to restart it, it's the same problem with just a black screen. I scrapped all previous VM's I created before adding the second cache drive, but the Pop OS one is new today and is also having the problem. I'll try one more Windows one with VNC first and then will try to pass through the GPU. Thanks. :)

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