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Posts posted by mathiasdoe

  1. Hey, I recently upgraded my version to 6.12.10 and started having issues and I wanted to see if 6.11.5 runs better. Now I cant get back to 6.12.5 and it doesnt seem to be on the download archive either. Is there any place I can still get this version or am I fucked?
    Edit: found it on https://www.unraid.gutt.it/.. why isnt there an official archive???

  2. On 12/3/2023 at 2:38 PM, madden45 said:

    Hello everybody,


    I have some concerns with the Sleep Mode since I upgraded to 6.12.:


    After I upgraded my Unraid server from version 6.11.5 to 6.12.4, waking up from sleep mode no longer works.
    I have been running the "Dynamix S3 Sleep" plugin from Bergware since version 6.9.x successfully. In the plugin settings, I had set the server to go to sleep from 02:00 at night (see screen). The server then woke up again automatically from 08:00 in the morning. I have not changed any of the settings over time. In addition, no WoL is activated in the BIOS.


    Since the update, I have to actively press the power button on the server, after a few seconds the server is ready for use again.


    Does anyone of you know the problem or has/had similar behavior?





    Same issue here, however it seems to shutdown instead of going to sleep like it should. Did you find a fix for this?
    Edit: Only fix seems to be downgrading unraid.

  3. On 4/16/2019 at 2:49 PM, Squid said:


    mdcmd spindown x
    mdcmd spinup x

    But, simplest way is to simply set drive spindown timers in the drive's settings.  That way unRaid will spin down the drives when not accessed.

    Did this command change? Doing mdcmd spindown sdc for example returns "/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd: line 11: echo: write error: Invalid argument".

    Edit: emcmd cmdSpindown=disk1 works.

  4. Hey, I cant get anything to acutally preload to the ram. If i run the script with the standard values it tells me that no file has been preloaded, "as loading only needed 0.001 seconds". If i lower the preload threshold to 0.0001 seconds it tells me that it successfully preloaded the files in 0,001 seconds which seems quite fast to me. Trying to play one of the preloaded files in jellyfin results in buffering and the disks spinning up.
    My video path is "/mnt/disk1/media", I have tried different paths aswell with the same results. Any idea on how to fix this?

  5. Hey,
    I keep getting the same error with no description once every hour. I have checked fix common issues, the smart report, I've rebooted, done "new config" and checked the system log and google yet i cant find out whats causing this. The cache is working just fine, no issues except for the spam i'm receiving due to these errors. Hope one of you guys can help me figure out what the issue here is.





  6. On 3/8/2022 at 12:07 PM, mathiasdoe said:

    Hey Guys,
    I'm trying to switch from OpenVPN to Wireguard since i only get about 2mb/s with OpenVPN, but when I do so I am unable to access the WebUI. I can see that qbit is downloading stuff when I check on radarr.
    I havent changed any settings except for the VPN_CLIENT variable. Am I missing something? The extra parameter --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" is already there and the container is running in privileged mode.

    Managed to fix this, the issue was incorrectly set LAN_NETWORK. 
    This helped me: https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md#:~:text=Q4. I'm struggling to configure LAN_NETWORK correctly%2C can you give some examples%3F

  7. Hey Guys,
    I'm trying to switch from OpenVPN to Wireguard since i only get about 2mb/s with OpenVPN, but when I do so I am unable to access the WebUI. I can see that qbit is downloading stuff when I check on radarr.
    I havent changed any settings except for the VPN_CLIENT variable. Am I missing something? The extra parameter --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" is already there and the container is running in privileged mode.

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