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Lewis L

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Posts posted by Lewis L

  1. As soon as I load into the Windows 10 Installation and progress a couple of steps, not even to the "choose installation drive" screen, I get prompted to select drivers.


    Reading the UnRAID documentation, I have attempted to install the drivers in the order of: Balloon, NetKVM, vioserial and viostor, loading them one by one and it doesn't progress past that screen.


    Switching the CDRom Bus (both OS Install & VirtIO drivers) to SATA also made no noticeable impact. The only other configuration change is changing the BIOS to SeaBIOS.


    I have tried virtio-win-0.1.173-2, virtio-win-0.1.189-1 and virtio-win-0.1.190-1 but there was no change in the installation problem I am encountering.


    The Windows 10 ISO was downloaded using the USB Installer yesterday.




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