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Posts posted by marengaz

  1. 3 hours ago, spali said:

    6.10 feature of the container labels for just icons and webgui url

    i upgraded my unraid to 6.10rc2 and did some digging. looks like this is what they meant in the release notes (spoilers: its nothing like what we want, but is a slight quality of life improvement!)


  2. im not saying it would work 100% of the time, volume mount locations are always something i check before running a new compose stack.


    im still trialing unraid and was brought here by wanting to run an instance of apache superset (quite a daunting amount of manual clicking and form filling). im just saying that it would be great if there was an interface to get a compose stack into unraid in a less painful way.


    i acknowledge that running docker compose cli and portainer would give me a nice solution, but that kinda defeats the point of unraid's ui!

  3. i see what you're trying to do here and wonder if you're taking on more complexity than is necessary?


    the frustration i have with the docker ui in unraid is that there is a lot of manual clicking and form filling to add containers. this is especially annoying when you see projects with demo docker-compose.yaml files just sitting there ready to use. perhaps a good solution would be to create a docker compose yaml parser, which imports the docker compose yaml into an unraid docker configuration, which you can then start in the ui as if you did all the manual clicking and form filling legitimately?


    bonus points for changing the existing basic/advanced view toggle in the container configuration UI to include 'edit as docker compose yaml'!


    do you see the problem the same way i do?

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