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Posts posted by maha

  1. On 12/11/2021 at 9:39 PM, raymix said:

    You need to add it to UP_FLAGS on your docker.



    Here's a great video that shows how to do it:


    Follwed the guide and is now able to connect to my unraid server on it's local ip.

    But still not able to connect to frigate, homeassistant etc. from my phone.


    Could it be that they are set to network br0 and assigned ipaddresses?

  2. On 4/17/2020 at 9:11 AM, Ragemachinest said:

    Adding on from my previous post, I wanted to access to other machines in my home network that I can't install tailscale on (IP cameras, etc). To solve for this, I made sure the "Network Type" was set to "bridge". I went in to the console for the Tailscale docker container and ran the following (my home network is - change this to match your network):

    tailscale up --advertise-routes=


    After running this, I logged in to the Tailscale admin portal at https://login.tailscale.com/admin/machines and for my unraid box clicked the ... on the menu on the far right and click "Enable subnet routes"


    Back in the docker console I ran: vi /etc/sysctl.d/00-alpine.conf

    I added a line: net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 then saved the file.


    I ran the command: echo 0 | tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tailscale0/rp_filter


    I ran the command: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE


    I could then hit my internal IPs from an iPhone on LTE e.g. let me hit my IP cams web interface


    I rebooted and the settings persisted, so it seems to be a permanent setup now.


    Trying to do the same as in the quoted posted.


    But i'm getting this in the console?

    what am i doing wrong?


  3. I have been investigating a bit further.

    I'm considering two WD Red Plus 2.5" 1TB.

    One as parity and one as disk.

    Then use my nvme as cache drive.

    I'm a bit concernd about what kind of read and write speeds i would get?

    That said the server won't be used for much stoarge. It will mainly running docker and maybe 1-2 vm's.

    So is it corretly understod that my dockers would be running of the cache?

  4. Hi!


    After using proxmox for a while, i deciede to try unraid, mainly because docker was a pain in the ass for an average user.

    Booted unraid and wow easy peasy!

    But i would like to make the most of my current hardware.

    I have a mini server, intented to run home assistant, node-red, mqtt, etc.. and nvr(frigate).


    My current setup is:
    DeskMini H470 Series - barebone
    32 gb ram
    10 gen - i5

    and now the issue - storage.
    I have a 2tb nvme ssd mounted.
    other then that i have 2 2.5 inch slots, where there currently is a 120gb ssd in one of them, and the other one is unused.


    Under the given circumstances what would be a prefferable configuration?

    i'm willing to invest in two 2.5 inch drives, but should is be ssd for hdd?

    What should i set as Parity, disk or cache?

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