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Posts posted by itsecmonkey

  1. Thanks for the quick reply.


    After your response, I did a little reading on the share management for Unraid. To make a long story short - I think everything is working normally. I believe my lack of understanding for the Unraid management of shares has led to some confusion. I can't pinpoint why moving files from one share to another using Krusader behaves differently than when its presented across the network to a Windows client through a share but I have to believe that it's somehow related to how I have Krusader setup with the custom container paths.


    I have only had my Unraid system running a little over a week now. I setup Krusader using Spaceinvaderone's video on managing files in Unraid. Apparently, I followed the steps in his video with not a clear understanding of what was actually being done with the mappings.


    Thanks a bunch for your help.

  2. Greetings-


    I created a share folder with the "Use cache pool" setting to No. However, when I copy or move files to the share and view the share folders, I see those files residing on both the array and one of my cache pools.


    I attempt to run mover but nothing appears to happen. I didn't expect it to since the share is set to not use any cache pools.


    How do I about troubleshooting?



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