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Posts posted by beetlebug515

  1. I was finally able to get p400 passed through after going back and forth between UnRaid versions, but igpu should really work. There really should be no reason for it to be this difficult. Looking at all the other threads with tens of thousands of views shows that this is something people actually want. The more I look in to the history of UnRaid, the more I start to despair. People have been asking to be able to install to a disk since 2014. Still no sign that it will ever happen. Thousands of people want to use igpu, but looks like the devs would rather just let the community do their work for them while they sit on their behinds and roll around in cash.

  2. First forum post. I have a system running a 5700G and a quadro p400 for Plex transcode. I've been running UnRaid for a good while now, and thought I knew how to get a GPU passed through. Apparently passing through a 5700G isn't actually possible? I've been trying everything for days and all I get are constant server lockups. I've even rolled back a few versions of unraid as I've read that 6.10.3 caused some issues for people. I'm at a point now where I'm just contemplating how to migrate to Truenas Scale as the VM implementation there has at least been looked at recently by the dev's. Pretty disappointed that an advertised feature of UnRaid simply doesn't work. 


    To be clear, I can't pass through ANY gpu. Even the Quadro causes server lockups with Nvidia driver uninstalled and the card and sound component bound to VFIO. Sad that I paid money for this. Can anyone there take some of my dollars and use them to fix this? Tons of people want this feature, based on all of the reading I've done. 


    TL;DR If I don't pass through the 5700G audio component, I get error 43. If I DO pass it through, the server locks up. 

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