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Posts posted by DK73

  1. Hello,


    UnRaid 6.9.2 on a Dell PowerEdge R720XD, I'm struggling to get this configuration working:


    I've OpenHab container working with a custom network "br0" with IP, here the Docker Run command:

    docker run -d --name='openHAB' --net='br0' --ip='' --cpuset-cpus='5,7,9,11' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/openhab/conf/':'/openhab/conf':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/openhab/userdata/':'/openhab/userdata':'rw' --tty --shm-size 2g 'openhab/openhab:latest-debian'


    OpenHab service can't reach InfluxDB which is in another container but in bridge mode (server ip is

    docker run -d --name='Influxdb' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -p '8083:8083/tcp' -p '8086:8086/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/influxdb':'/var/lib/influxdb':'rw' 'influxdb:1.8'


    I've telegraf (host nework) and grafana (bridge network) working also as container that connect with the above InfluxDB with no problem at all:


    docker run -d --name='telegraf' --net='host' --privileged=true -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'HOST_PROC'='/rootfs/proc' -e 'HOST_SYS'='/rootfs/sys' -e 'HOST_ETC'='/rootfs/etc' -e 'HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX'='/rootfs' -v '/var/run/utmp':'/var/run/utmp':'ro' -v '/var/run/docker.sock':'/var/run/docker.sock':'ro' -v '/':'/rootfs':'ro' -v '/sys':'/rootfs/sys':'ro' -v '/etc':'/rootfs/etc':'ro' -v '/proc':'/rootfs/proc':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf':'/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf':'rw' -v '/run/udev':'/run/udev':'ro' --user telegraf:$(stat -c '%g' /var/run/docker.sock) 'telegraf:latest'
    docker run -d --name='Grafana' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -p '3000:3000/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/grafana':'/var/lib/grafana':'rw' 'grafana/grafana'


    I've tried to move InfluxDB from bridge to same custom net 'br0' as openHAB. This actually worked but just for OpenHAB. Telegraf and Grafana stopped working with InfluxDB.


    Any suggestion how can I configure this networking between containers to be able to reach InfluxDB from all of the others?


    Thank you for any feedback!




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