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Posts posted by Kuleinc

  1. On 2/14/2024 at 12:04 PM, kaares said:

    I don't know how much airflow you're getting on those, but I sure needed a shroud+fan on the tesla in my 4U case. I have replaced the super loud original fans with some noctua nf-f12-industrialppc-3000-pwm. Not good enough for the Tesla. I have a NF-A4x20 on it to keep it happy.

    For anyone else with a super micro 846 chassis, the case fans are not enough to cool the Tesla P4 in the x16 slot. I put the blower fan that they shipped me with the card onto the card and it cooled right off. I was getting thermal throttling in a 55 degree F environment with just case fans. Would probably work better without  fan in a 2U case...


    I cannot hear the blower fan on the P4 at all over the standard supermicro case fans, so that's nice.

  2. This would be for my HDD CACHE, none of the drives attached to the old card show up. I've swapped pcie slots with the cards and no change. I checked in bios and the pcie slot its plugged into is pcie 3 x8 which the card uses. What am I missing?


    I've ruled out a bad cables between the HBA and the backplane. Also ruled out bad back plane slots.


  3. On 12/2/2023 at 7:26 AM, kaares said:

    I have a A380 working just fine in unraid. All I had to do is install the thor kernel to /boot.  Basically just copy over four files. I run it without rebar as my mainboard doesn't support it.  Plex works great normally, but is a bit picky about subtitles. As long as I don't have to burn in subs during 4K AV1 transcoding i'm ok. 


    Another cheap option is to get a Tesla P4 off ebay. They are like $70-80? Seemed like a no brainer. Just make sure to add a way to cool it. It doesn't have a fan. It NEEDS a fan. Seriously. It will get super hot and will damage either your card or your mainboard. I got a 3d printed shroud and a noctua fan for mine, and it works great. It isn't listed as supported by the nvidia plugin, but it was, and worked as soon as I installed that.


    Just keep in mind that the thor kernel I used to get ARC working doesn't support nvidia, so you got to choose. I picked ARC. Having av1 support is nice.

    Interested in trying this. I have a super micro 846 4 U chasis with 5 chasis fans. would I still need a fan on the card itself?

  4. neither the hdd status leds or the log seem to be moving now, ill give it some more time, but it seems to have stalled again...


    Jan 19 09:46:58 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/dbengine-tier2/journalfile-1-0000000002.njf
    Jan 19 09:46:58 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/dbengine-tier2/journalfile-1-0000000002.njfv2
    Jan 19 09:46:58 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/dbengine-tier2/datafile-1-0000000003.ndf
    Jan 19 09:46:58 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/dbengine-tier2/journalfile-1-0000000003.njf
    Jan 19 09:46:58 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/dbengine-tier2/journalfile-1-0000000003.njfv2
    Jan 19 09:46:58 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/dbengine-tier2/datafile-1-0000000004.ndf
    Jan 19 09:46:59 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/dbengine-tier2/journalfile-1-0000000004.njf
    Jan 19 09:46:59 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/netdata/cache/.netdata_bash_sleep_timer_fifo


    It stopped here in the log. It had been flying by previously.

  5. I used the unraid webgui file browser to confirm the appdata folder on the array does indeed NOT have copies of the files... perhaps im looking for old files wrong?


    I figured it out. I changed the primary storage as well as secondary. I put the primary storage back to the original locations and changed the secondary storage to the array.


    I THINK its working now... will confirm.

  6. well. The hdds dont show activity, but there are clearly commands going by in the log now. its just move commands and then a corresponding file exists then repeat... reboot and try again?


    It seems like its moving it to the place it got it from?

    Jan 19 09:16:21 NAS move: move_object: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/Zoneminder/data/events/1/2024-01-19/3/00584-capture.jpg File exists
    Jan 19 09:16:21 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/Zoneminder/data/events/1/2024-01-19/3/00585-capture.jpg
    Jan 19 09:16:21 NAS move: move_object: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/Zoneminder/data/events/1/2024-01-19/3/00585-capture.jpg File exists
    Jan 19 09:16:21 NAS move: file: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/Zoneminder/data/events/1/2024-01-19/3/00586-capture.jpg
    Jan 19 09:16:21 NAS move: move_object: /mnt/hdd_cache/appdata/Zoneminder/data/events/1/2024-01-19/3/00586-capture.jpg File exists

  7. Hi,

    I'm trying to reorganize things better on my server. I tried to use mover to move things off cache shares (I have two) to the array. That way I can remove some failing drives and reorganize other drives into other shares. The mover button is gray and says its running, but when I look inside the main tab there are no reads or writes being done on any disks. I also checked the log and nothing seems to be happening there either. Any suggestions on how to proceed without starting over? just wait more?


  8. I did. it failed. I replaced it and now am having issues with the new disk. I ran an extended test on it and it completed read failure.  Drive was shipped to me in a bag with no shipping materials ugh... I tried the drive on two different ports on the expander card with two different cables and it still fails, just missed the return deadline, gave a bad review. Will replace with iron wolf drives as they have been flawless and are worth the extra money. Thanks for your help.

  9. OK the original disc seems to be working for now. Can I split up the appdata share onto the array and just have the zoneminder docker run on the new 3TB drive somehow? Or do the appdata shares need to be on the same disc? I only want to do this for performance reasons and to not put unneeded wear and tear on the array?

  10. Ok so I got a cable for my other sata6 SAS conector on my add in card and hooked up the replacement hdd to it. I tried running DDrescue and got the attachment. I am currently running an extended self test on the disk, it was shipped to me in a bag, not box, no packing ugh.

    Screenshot from 2023-03-04 13-37-03.png

  11. oh no! I did an extended smart test and it says: "Completed: read failure" I wonder what could have caused that? Is this something I can fix? I just bought a drive to double the capacity... ugh.


    The SMART log shows no errors...


    The history shows:

    Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error # 1 Extended offline Completed: read failure 90% 38767 18069872 # 2 Short offline Completed without error 00% 34871 - # 3 Short offline Completed without error 00% 34806 - # 4 Short offline Aborted by host 80% 31085 -

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