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Posts posted by Omega666

  1. Hi, i have massiv Problems with this Container. Maybe someone can help me. I have a Licens for Makemkv and i done this:


    after starting the container, go into the config directory you created, edit the file called enter-your-key-then-rename-to.settings.conf, and add your key between the quotes app_Key = "[ENTER KEY HERE]" then save and rename the file to settings.conf


    In the Log File i still get the error that the application is to old and i should use a valid key or update to the newest makemkv.


    Can someone help?



  2. I have a new Unraid system. after about 15 hours of parity check the interface freezes, the nas can no longer be reached via png, http or otherwise. i have set up a syslog so that i have log files. i have already replaced the USB stick with a new one. I need help urgently, it is my productive NAs with 26TB of data. it helps only a cold power off. I have attached the syslog log and the diagnostiv file. Bios is up to date.



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