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Posts posted by demoeb

  1. 8 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    The unassigned 14TB disk which I assume was disk8 dropped offline right after array start:


    Mar 10 23:08:32 Storage kernel: ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
    Mar 10 23:09:17 Storage kernel: ata1: limiting SATA link speed to 3.0 Gbps
    Mar 10 23:09:22 Storage kernel: ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
    Mar 10 23:09:22 Storage kernel: ata1: reset failed, giving up
    Mar 10 23:09:22 Storage kernel: ata1.00: disable device


    So, likely still power/cable issues.

    thats the new drive which i put in a sata card for. i will disconnect it, possibly its a bad card. what about disk 6?

  2. 18 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    There are issues with disk6 and what I assume was disk8, check/replace cables and post new diags after array start.

    ok, checked cables, its booting now.. i didnt see any issues though, but made sure all firmly plugged in. is disk 6 being 'seen' or is it completely absent, like if i went into the BIOS would it be there?

  3. hi... i woke up today and saw there's a host of issues on my server. 1 drive 'not installed' and red, another "unmountable: wrong orno file system". i did SMART (quick) scan and all drives are passing, i am doing a read check but its going so slow, at <1 mb/sec so it's saying it will take 180+ days to complete. wth is going on? willing to try anything. 


    only change that's occurred is that I added a new drive and SATA card about 1 month ago. all of these 14tb drives are less than 12 months old. should not be anythign wrong with them physically. theyre not overheating, nothing. 

    Screenshot 2023-03-10 21.45.05.png

    Screenshot 2023-03-10 21.52.36.png

  4. 1 hour ago, demoeb said:

    Hi. I am somewhat of a noob with unRAID still, and I just powered down and added a data drive (8tb) but when I rebooted the 14Tb array #1 was listed as unassigned along with the new 8tb data drive. Help! I havent done anything else apart from that, I didn't want to damage anything.


    the array disk is listed as unassagined

    please disregard, its fixed now, i had the wrong sata port plugged in.

  5. 4 hours ago, trurl said:

    You must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable. Parity is not a substitute for backups.

    yah I know, I have the important stuff on LTO (have about 100 LTO-5 tapes)


    unRAID has really changed my day to day life. My only regret is not getting into it sooner!

  6. 1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

    Why, exactly, would you want to do this?


    There are many reasons NOT to, and very few reasons to do it.

    oh i see. i guess it's just my OCD. i'll leave it as it is then, id freak out if i lost data. thanks a lot :)

  7. image.png.68becfc93fc364fc618dff54ffb2e940.png


    Thank you so much SpencerJ! It's working now. Physically removed the NVMe. In hindsight though, I should have bought a higher licence. I have 5 X 14Tb's + 1 X 14Tb parity .. this means, because total count = 6, I cannot add another 14Tb, right? I really should have bought the Pro licence. I can't afford it this pay, I'll hold off for another couple of weeks. Thank you for all your help. I really enjoy this software, invested a lot of money into the hardware, it's in a schmexy 4U RM chassis too, but now I really need to put the time into learning how to use it properly. 


    Thanks again!


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  8. HI I am on day 1 of my trial and so far so good, I wanted to know how to add my NVMe 500gb SSD as cache? i cant see where the option to add it is. I'm only using old small drives at the moment but I have 6 X 14Tb drives I will add to this and I need to buy more of them. The pro licence is what I'll be buying.

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