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Posts posted by ondono

  1. 12 minutes ago, frakman1 said:

    I don't know but a Google of the error message  took me to this forum discussion:


    First of all thank you for taking the time to respond!


    I had seen that, but it's not resolving my issue. I can run gitlab-ctl reconfigure once (until it fails), but the container will stop itself, so I can't run it again.

  2. Hi guys,


    I configured Gitlab-CE about a week ago, and so far it was working smoothly, but today I noticed it was down.


    When trying to get it back up, I get the following in the logs:


          * execute[create gitlab postgresql user] action run
            Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[create gitlab postgres'
            Exhausted service checks and database is still not available
            Cookbook Trace:
            Resource Declaration:
            # In /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/postgresql/resourcesb
             11:   execute "create #{new_resource.username} postgresql user" do
             12:     command %(/opt/gitlab/bin/#{new_resource.helper.service_cmd} -d)
             13:     user account_helper.postgresql_user
             14:     only_if { new_resource.helper.is_running? && new_resource.helpe}
             15:     not_if { new_resource.helper.is_offline_or_readonly? || new_res}
             16:   end
            Compiled Resource:
            # Declared in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/postgresql/'
            execute("create gitlab postgresql user") do
              action [:run]
              default_guard_interpreter :execute
              command "/opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-psql -d template1 -c \"CREATE USER \\\"
              backup 5
              declared_type :execute
              cookbook_name "postgresql"
              domain nil
              user "gitlab-psql"
              not_if { #code block }
              only_if { #code block }
            System Info:
            ruby=ruby 2.7.5p203 (2021-11-24 revision f69aeb8314) [x86_64-linux]


    For what I can guess, it's trying to run some startup scripts and at some point Postgres either dies off or won't answer. I can't figure out what is happening since the container won't stay up for more than 2 minutes.


    How do I debug/fix it?


    The repos are almost empty, and I have copies of everything involved, the only thing I don't want to lose is the user accounts since I made my teammates register already. If there's any way to nuke the thing while keeping the users, and start over it's fine by me too.


    Thank you!

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