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Posts posted by joncroweucl

  1. Hi all,


    So I'm currently running a Ryzen 1700 on Asus X370 Prime Pro with 32 GB 3200 RAM (@2666) and RTX3090 on 6.11.1


    Having to shut down Windows Gaming VM to enable HW transcoding on RTX in Emby for needy users is becoming tiresome and waste of resources.


    Considering switching to i9 12900/ i7 12700 and MSI X690 DDR4 board (TBD between Pro/Tomahawk/Edge/Carbon) and move transcoding in Emby from the RTX and onto the iGPU

    • Are there any persisting issues with hardware accelerated transcoding and tone mapping using 12 Gen iGPU in Emby?

    Regarding passthrough on 12 Gen to Windows/iOS VMs, are there still persisting issues with:

    • 12 Gen iGPU passthrough to VM?
    • onboard audio passthrough to VMs using MSI/all Z690 boards? Has IOMMU grouping been improved with MSI BIOS updates?

    Thanks all.

  2. Been having the same issues as other posters above but cannot find a solution. 


    Previously working Asus BW-16D1HT drive no can no longer load BluRay or UHD disks, including those that have worked previously. I'm met with this screen on the GUI after the drive spends several minutes attempting to load.


    Container has been removed and reinstalled and device names have been confirmed in console. No success. Is this a licence key issue?




  3. This guide really helped me repurpose my Windows PC into my UNRAID server while still allowing me to continue with my Windows install on the NVME. Thank you.


    Back Ground: I used to have all my games on a Samsung 860 Evo 1 TB SSD; in Windows the performance (i.e. data transfer speeds and load times) was excellent. I've since set this drive up as a share, copied my games library and mapped the share to G: Games in Windows. However, I'm getting poor performance (really long load times) with my games with this SSD as a cache drive on UNRAID.


    Proposed solution: I'd like to use this SATA SSD passed through to windows as a secondary disk for my games, following the guide below.


    Issue: when passing through an NVME drive for dual boot, and with Primary vDisk set to 'none', attempting to complete the VM template to pass through an additional SATA SSD as secondary disk using its disk ID automatically assigns it as the primary disk, which was previously 'none', excluding the VM the ability to boot from the NVME. Is there any way to get around this?



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