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Posts posted by hubbush

  1. 12 hours ago, mattie112 said:

    Yeah exactly, if you have a VM that has a different IP so you could host something om 80/443.

    Or you can also choose to do a different port.


    (btw you only need port 80, your NPM uses 80/443 but the thing you proxy to just uses http)

    Thanks for your replies and not tearing me a new one… just realised what a nooby question it was! Must’ve been very tired! Got it all working now 

  2. Hi


    Not sure if this is even possible but I want to enable forwarding for a VM and also other docker containers using nginx proxy manager. I’ve used it for dockers only before but unsure how I would go about using it for a VM.


    My use case is running ubuntu server as a VM with Nexcloud VM (it just works better for my use case in terms of setting up talk etc than docker versions) and then using docker for a jellyfin server but all using my domain


    Apologies for the nooby mix ups of terminology that I'm sure I have. I'm new to unraid and networking and trying to move away from my linode setup to my own hosted setup slowly but surely

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