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Posts posted by steve0yea

  1. So after a lot of trial and error I've discovered where i was going wrong and i hope to help others.  If you install the wrong database and have to go back and fix it like i did you will need to remove all the appdata folders associated and start over.  This can be done in terminal by navigating to the directory with cd /mnt/user/appdata then asking for the list using ls then following up with rm -rfv (Folder name here no parentheses).  

    I'm new to unraid so I'm still learning.  I hope my 6+ hours of figuring out what the hell i did wrong can help someone else in the future.  I got a preview of photonix before it broke because of the wrong DB and it looks amazing.  Exactly what i was looking for.  I'm excited for my photos to finish processing and to see what it all looks like. 

    One thing, I'm not sure how you could make it happen or if its something i need to do... but... My processor is PINNED at 100% on initializing.  Its a lot of data to sort and process so I'm not surprised but limiting it would be ideal.  This seems like its going to take a day at least to run and I'm worried about it being 100% for that long.  I'll keep an eye on it of course but just a thought.

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