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Posts posted by MrInvolved

  1. Hello Unraid Community,

    This morning, I encountered some errors that seem to relate to flash and hard drive failure. I’m seeking confirmation on my next steps and would appreciate input from those more knowledgeable in this area. I suspect the errors might be due to excessive write operations—possibly logging to USB—or a USB failure.

    The usb and One drive is disabled (possibly unrelated?), and navigating around the UI results in:

    Fatal Flash Drive Error
    This usually means your flash drive is corrupted or has dropped offline. The rest of the Unraid GUI will also be affected. Post a new thread in the Unraid forums if this error continues

    I would greatly appreciate any advice, comments, or suggestions that could assist me in better understanding this issue. If more details or clarifications are needed, please let me know, and I will provide them promptly.

    Thank you in advance!


  2. I noticed that Frigate (relying on a usb connected google coral) was dropping off due to stopping to recognize the usb device

    This has happened a few times, and any major concerns here?

    I'm suspicious of the motherboard/usb hub/bridge.
    I'm looking at upgrades at the moment, would any improvements in the hardware make these types of failures less likely? i.e. better/more direct usb connections? More memory? Maybe just a more modern motherboard in general? Better HD connections? Have got my eye on replacing the external hard drives (would they cause a failure like this?)


  3. Thank you!

    Looks like next step involve stopping the array, but i'm having a bit of trouble getting it to stop,


    I've had a bit of a dig and installed the Stop Shell plugin,but didn't see to help,


    Some sort of pre-shutdown update failing?


    POST ---> 502 Bad Gateway



    Dec 10 23:19:31 Tower nginx: 2022/12/10 23:19:31 [error] 3658#3658: *34070824 connect() to unix:/var/run/emhttpd.socket failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /update.htm HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:/var/run/emhttpd.socket:/update.htm", host: "tower.local", referrer: "http://tower.local/Dashboard"
    Dec 10 23:20:40 Tower flash_backup: adding task: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/scripts/UpdateFlashBackup update


    any ideas?

    EDIT: had a look at the "Open Files" plugin and shutdown all the docker containers.



    EDIT2: UI generally works, but "hard actions" like shutting down the array, or killing processes will the open files plugin will get the Bad Gateway response


  4. Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster.


    I'm building the size of my first array and i've added a older 4tb harddrive. I copied the existing data and added the drive, this morning i noticed it was "unmountable". Not sure of the scale of this problem..


    I really just want to know if the drive is good to continue using, or i should go ahead a replace it? (or something else - new cable/port?)


  5. I'm a new user and i've been running unraid on a laptop for a few months, really enjoyed the experience, but as i start to get more into it, i'm running up against some of the limitations of using a laptop (namely no GPU pass-through, so no Windows 10 VM's, so no ConBee II, so no ZigBee in HA)


    My current uses:

    - Home Assistant + ConBee II

    - Photo/Video backup (via iDrive container) ~ 5TB current, set to grow to upto 12TB

    - Frigate AI object detection (2 cameras - low settings - Coaral purchase planned)

    Ideal world:

    - Video Editing Windows VM (windows specific software)

    - Gaming Windows VM (nice to have)


    I've got some existing hardware that i've been trying to utilize:

    - (old laptop) HP ProBook 470 G2 (Current unraid server)

    - One quirk is its an old work laptop and i don't know the admin bios password - could look at getting it - but it might be tough.

    - (old desktop) Windows 11 desktop (i5 4670K - 8GB ram - No GPU)

    - Video editing + light gaming

    - (new laptop) Beefy Linux Work laptop (Daily driver)

    - Can use for games, but prob needs a windows VM (?)

    - Bunch of internal/external harddrives of various ages/sizes (2* 4TB, 3 * 500 GB, couple others)


    I think i've got three options:

    1) Persist with the laptop, use a docker container like zigbee2MQTT to communicate to HA

    - Keep using the existing desktop for video editing/light gaming


    - Less work/uncertainty (short term)

    - Keep desktop free for editing + other stuff server can't do

    - Built in UMP ;)



    - Still a laptop, limitations will bite at some stage (?)

    [Could even run HA on the desktop? Power consumption might be a issue here...]


    2) Upgrade the desktop - use as server


    - Free's up laptop as a client

    - Uses existing hardware (can use Desktop for video editing)



    - Power consumption having older desktop on all the time

    - Enough ports? Recent enough CPU for h.265 encoding(Which i maybe need?), just kicking the can down the road?


    3) Greenfields a new server build, use laptop and desktop as clients


    - Less uncertainty with server built out (more standardized, less issues, cheaper hardware)

    - Makes Gaming VM more viable


    - Costs(?) [Maybe considering power over time this will be less of an issue??]


    I'm a software dev, but i'm rubbish with hardware, given my rather limited knowledge of hardware/unraid, i could be missing something here. i'd really love a more educated perspective on this problem.


    In writing this out, 3) seems like the preferable option, if that is the case, any recommendations or things i really need to consider? There is lots of information out there, i'm just struggling to find the best options

    I'm not afraid of making an investment for the right solution here

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