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Posts posted by Modac

  1. 14 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    Which OS vers are you running? also which vers of the plugin beta or non beta.?


    if 6.10 plus there should be a qemu.d in hooks directory.


    if should install hooks entries.


    was vm manager enabled when you imstalled the plugin?

    So to answer your questions:
    OS Version: 6.9.2
    Non Beta Plugin

    I reinstalled the plugin and the hooks file has been changed now, so I figured the VM manager was disabled when I first installed it.
    It is probably pretty rare that the VM manager is disabled during installation but maybe add a note somewhere that that the VM manager has to be enabled during the installation?
    Unfortunately I can't test the hotplugging now because libvirt service wont start after I disabled and enabled the vm manager again. I'll have to restart the server tomorrow.

    But I think my issue is fixed, thanks for the reply.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Thanks for this awesome plugin.
    Attaching USB devices while a VM is running is working perfectly. The port mapping option "Auto Connect at USB Device Plugin" also works perfectly when a VM is running and I plug a device into the port.
    But unfortunately the port mapping option "Auto Connect to VM at VM Start" doesn't work. When a device is plugged in and I start the VM the device doesn't get attached and nothing is shown on the system log. And when I then attach the devices manually and stop the VM the devices are still shown as connected. When I start the VM again the devices are also not attached but are still shown as connected. When pressing detach an error is shown (probably because they weren't attached anyway) and after reattaching they work perfectly.
    So I think something is wrong with the VM state hooks so I looked into the hooks file and search for "manager" but nothing was found. Do I have to manually add something in there? Thanks.

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