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Posts posted by VKapadia

  1. For the Active Streams plugin, is there a way to view local streams? On the homepage, it shows 2 streams on one of my shares, but Active Streams shows nothing. I'm fairly certain one of my Docker containers is using that share, but not sure how to find this out.

  2. On 6/4/2022 at 1:34 PM, itimpi said:

    I’ll think about it, but I am not convinced it would not just end up complicating the settings page without much benefit for the majority of users.   You could achieve the same effect by slightly tweaking the increment pause/resume times so that each increment can run a little longer.


    Yeah I'll just let it run for an hour longer for now. Thanks!

  3. Would it be possible to add an option for ending after a certain percentage instead of time? Right now I have it run from 1:30am to 7:30am. It takes 4 days to get to like 93%. Would love to be able to have it do 25% each day and get it done in 4 days. Have both, so I can tell it to pause at increments of x% or if it runs for y amount of time.

  4. Have you tried the Backblaze_Personal_Backup container available on CA? Looks like it runs Backblaze Personal on WINE and you can give it access to upload your whole array. haven't tried it yet, but I will once I finish setting up my server (just started with Unraid two days ago).

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